1. Lung cancer
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in India causing death in men and 6th most common cancer causing death in women. According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), lung cancer accounts for 9.3 percent of all deaths in India, also becoming the common cause of cancer deaths in India. In India, there were approximately 70,275 cases of lung cancer in 2022. By 2025, these numbers is expected to double double unfortunately.Symptoms of lung cancer include persistent cough, chest pain, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, etc.
2. Oral cancer
It is the most common cancer in men (11.2 percent) and the fifth most common cancer in women (4.3 percent of all cancers). Tobacco addiction remains the leading cause of oral cancer. Common symptoms include small lesions in the mouth. Red spots or ulcers that stubbornly refuse to heal, can be a warning sign to see a doctor.
3. Breast cancer
Breast Cancer is life-threatening and most common form of cancer in India. It is also one of the leading causes of death among women in India. According to a 2020 report from the National Center for Disease Informatics and Research, about 39.4 percent of cancers in female patients are usually breast cancer. In 2020, more than two women have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Common symptoms of breast cancer include a lump in the breast, a change in the size or shape of the breast, peeling of the skin, discharge of the nipples, etc.
Read in Hindi: Breast Cancer symptoms and Causes
4. Cervical Cancer
This cancer is unfortunately one of the most common cancer in India. According to a study published in the medical journal The Lancet, of the 40 percent of cervical cancer deaths worldwide, 23 percent came from India and 17 percent from China. This indicates one death in five reported cases of cervical cancer! Moreover, one in four deaths from cervical cancer occurs in India. In addition, it is one of the leading causes of death in women. About 604000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, and 342000 deaths are caused by it. Common symptoms include unexplained vaginal bleeding, painful sexual intercourse, searing pain in the pelvis, etc. Reach out to your doctor for examination at once if you notice such symptoms.
5. Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer occurs when cancerous cells grow inside your esophagus or food pipe. According to a report published on cancerindia.org, esophageal cancer is 6th most common cancer in India, as well as the sixth most common cause of death. Men are more likely to be diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Common symptoms (Esophageal Cancer Symptoms in Hindi) include difficulty swallowing food (dysphagia), persistent indigestion, persistent cough, uncontrollable weight loss, etc.