
Breast Cancer Treatment in India

Avg Price: $ 3500-$ 35000

Breast Cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the breast tissue, usually in the milk ducts or lobules. It is one of the most frequent malignancies in women globally, howe...
  • 2-3 Weeks

    Treatment Time

  • 15-20 Days

    Recovery Time

  • 5-6 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 85%-90%

    Success Rate

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Breast Cancer Treatment: An Insight into Innovative Approaches and Cost Analysis

95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries
95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries


Medical science discoveries have profoundly altered the landscape of Breast Cancer detection and treatment in India during the last several decades. The country has made significant progress in improving the accessibility and effectiveness of Breast Cancer Care, and efforts to improve the situation are ongoing. A variety of creative approaches are being investigated in order to make the management more economical and comprehensive for this cancer.

According to reliable sources such as the Indian Cancer Society, the prevalence of this cancer  has steadily increased throughout the years. This increase has pushed the medical community to take preventive measures, culminating in the construction of specialist breast cancer treatment centres around the country.

The number of medical professionals involved in providing the treatment for such cancers has seen a significant rise. Surgeons, Oncologists, Radiologists, and other support staff are collaborating closely to deliver holistic care to patients throughout all phases of their experience with Breast Cancer.

The availability of numerous treatment techniques, including Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Targeted Therapy, and hormone Therapy, has increased the Breast Cancer arsenal. Individualising treatment programs for patients has become a characteristic of Breast Cancer treatment in India.

Patients now have access to a growing network of recognized hospitals and medical institutes specialising in Breast Cancer care as a result of collaborative efforts. The number of cases treated for this cancer each year is increasing, indicating both an increasing incidence and the healthcare system's ability to respond efficiently. Consequently, individuals have the option to access best hospital for Breast Cancer treatment and the best doctor for Breast Cancer treatment in India.

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Types of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is a varied illness with numerous subtypes, each with specific characteristics that influence treatment strategies. Understanding these categories is necessary for personalised medical treatments. The following are the most common kinds of this Cancer:

  • DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ): DCIS refers to abnormal cells that are localised within the milk ducts. Although it is non-invasive, it can progress to aggressive cancer if left untreated. Early detection and intervention are critical to preventing its spread.
  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): The most prevalent type of breast cancer, IDC starts in the milk ducts and spreads to the surrounding tissues. Its development might result in the production of lumps or thicker portions of the breast. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are frequently used in treatment.
  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): ILC begins in the lobules, where milk is produced. It spreads in a distinct way, making typical detection procedures more difficult. Treatment usually consists of a combination of surgery and targeted medicines.
  • Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: This dangerous subtype lacks oestrogen, progesterone, and HER2 protein receptors. It accounts for a lesser proportion of cases but necessitates a more specific strategy, which typically includes chemotherapy, targeted medicines, and, in some circumstances, immunotherapy.
  • HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: Cancer cells that are HER2-positive create an overabundance of HER2 protein, which promotes rapid development. Targeted medicines, like HER2 inhibitors, have transformed treatment outcomes for this subtype. Often, a combination of targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and other treatments is used.
  • Breast Cancer with Hormone Receptors: This frequent subtype is dependent on hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone levels to rise. Hormone therapy, which inhibits these hormones, is a key component in its treatment. It is frequently used in conjunction with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

These Breast Cancer types illustrate the disease's complexity, emphasising the significance of accurate detection and tailored treatment regimens. Every persons Breast Cancer journey is unique, and recognizing the precise kind is a critical step toward developing appropriate therapy and long-term management plans.

Causes of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is caused by a complex combination of genes, environment, and lifestyle factors. Understanding these elements can help with prevention and detection. The following are some of the primary causes:

  • Inherited genetic mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 enhance vulnerability.
  • Elevated oestrogen and progesterone levels are associated with an increased risk of hormone receptor-positive malignancies.
  • As women reach the age of 50, their susceptibility increases.
  • Close relatives with breast cancer increase risk owing to genetic similarities.
  • Certain benign disorders can modestly increase the risk of developing breast cancer in the future.
  • Long-term Hormone Replacement Therapy use may increase the risk somewhat.
  • Previous radiation exposure, particularly in childhood, increases sensitivity.
  • Obesity and Sedentary Behaviour: Postmenopausal obesity and sedentary behaviour are linked with a higher risk.
  • Even modest alcohol consumption raises the risk.

The progression of Breast Cancer is frequently complicated. Recognizing these triggers allows us to live better lifestyles, seek regular check-ups, and make more educated decisions about our health.

Why is Breast Cancer Treatment needed?

Breast Cancer Treatment becomes essential to manage the emergence and proliferation of cancerous cells within breast tissue. It develops when cells within the breast start growing in an unregulated manner, culminating in the formation of a Tumour. If disregarded, these malignant cells have the potential to infiltrate neighbouring tissues and spread to distant body regions, a phenomenon referred to as metastasis. The central objectives of this treatment encompass:

  • Cancer Eradication or Regulation: The primary aim of treatment revolves around the elimination or control of cancer cells and tumours in both breast tissue and adjacent regions. By doing so, the expansion of cancer can be curtailed, averting further harm.
  • Recurrence Prevention: Even subsequent to the extraction of visible tumours, minuscule cancer cells could remain. Treatment endeavours to eliminate these imperceptible cells, consequently mitigating the likelihood of cancer resurfacing in the same vicinity or other body parts.
  • Enhancement of Survival Rates: Timely and appropriate intervention significantly augments the prospects of survival for individuals afflicted by breast cancer. Diverse treatment strategies are employed based on variables such as cancer stage, tumour dimensions, presence of hormone receptors, and assorted factors.


A thorough pre-evaluation is essential before going on any medical journey in order to build the framework for appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and overall care. This is especially true for breast cancer, where early detection and correct assessment are important in selecting the best treatment for it. Pre-evaluation for this cancer in India entails a battery of extensive tests that provide a comprehensive picture of the patients status.

  • Clinical Examination: The process starts with a complete physical examination performed by a trained healthcare expert. This may entail taking a complete history, performing a breast examination, and assessing any symptoms or changes that the patient has noted.
  • Mammography: A standard imaging procedure used to detect any abnormalities in breast tissue is mammography. It entails obtaining X-ray images of the breast to look for any cancers or areas of concern.
  • Breast Ultrasound: Ultrasound imaging provides a more thorough image of breast tissue, assisting in the differentiation of benign from malignant tumours. Its especially beneficial for determining worrisome tumours discovered during physical exams or mammography.
  • Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI gives high-resolution images of breast tissue, which aids in accurate tumour detection and cancer extent assessment.
  • Biopsy: A biopsy is a procedure that includes removing a small sample of tissue from a suspicious location and examining it under a microscope. This aids in determining whether the tissue is malignant and, if so, what form of breast cancer it is.
  • Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or Core Needle Biopsy (CNB): FNA and core needle biopsy are two popular types of biopsies. FNA extracts cells from a lump with a small needle, whereas core needle biopsy takes a bigger tissue sample. These tests provide critical information regarding the kind and severity of cancer.
  • Lymph Node Imaging: Imaging investigations such as ultrasound or MRI may be used to check lymph nodes in the armpit area, which are important in breast cancer staging and therapy planning.
  • Hormone Receptor Testing: In hormone receptor-positive breast tumours, testing determines whether the cancer cells have oestrogen and progesterone receptors. This information influences treatment decisions, particularly in the case of hormone therapy.
  • HER2 Testing: HER2 testing determines whether cancer cells create an excess of HER2 protein, which influences therapy decisions, particularly for HER2-positive patients.
  • Genetic Testing: In cases where there is a family history of breast cancer, genetic testing to discover gene mutations (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2) may be indicated. These mutations can raise the risk of breast cancer and influence treatment choices.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Blood Chemistry Tests: These tests provide an overall evaluation of the patient's health as well as any potential underlying medical issues that may influence treatment decisions.
  • Bone Scan and PET-CT Scan (if needed): If the cancer has spread, bone scans and PET-CT scans can assist locate metastases and inform treatment recommendations.
  • Consultation with a Multidisciplinary Team: Discussing test results and treatment choices with a team of professionals, including oncologists, is an important part of pre-evaluation.

This data is critical for developing a personalised treatment strategy that provides the best potential outcomes for breast cancer patients in India.

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How is Breast Cancer Treatment done?

Breast Cancer Treatment in India is a methodically planned and multidisciplinary process aimed at eradicating or controlling the illness while maintaining the patient's quality of life. Each step, from diagnosis through post-treatment care, is meticulously planned to provide the greatest possible outcomes. Heres an in-depth look at the breast cancer treatment process:

  • Diagnosis and Staging: An accurate diagnosis is the first step in the path. Diagnostic tools such as mammography, ultrasound, MRI, and biopsies aid in determining the kind, extent, and stage of cancer. Staging helps to plan treatment by categorizing the spread of cancer.
  • Multidisciplinary Evaluation: To design a tailored treatment plan, a team of medical experts, including oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and nurses, collaborate. Each patients circumstance is unique, necessitating a customized approach.
  • Surgery: Surgery is frequently the early step. It entails the removal of the malignant tissue, as well as any adjacent lymph nodes if necessary. Surgical options differ depending on cancer size, location, and patient preferences. The procedures range from a lumpectomy (tumour removal) to a mastectomy (whole breast removal).
  • Radiation Therapy: High-energy rays are used to target and destroy cancer cells in radiation therapy. It is frequently used after surgery to eradicate any leftover malignant cells and lower the chance of recurrence.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the use of strong medications to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. It is given orally or intravenously before or after surgery to decrease tumours, inhibit metastasis, and destroy leftover cancer cells.
  • Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy concentrate on specific molecular targets found in cancer cells. These therapies are personalized to the patient's specific profile, improving therapy precision and reducing damage to healthy cells.
  • Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy blocks estrogen or progesterone receptors, reducing or stopping cancer growth in hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. This strategy is critical in the prevention and treatment of hormone-sensitive tumours.
  • Immunotherapy: It is a treatment that promotes the immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells. While it is still in the early stages of study for breast cancer, it is showing encouraging outcomes, particularly for certain subtypes.
  • Follow-Up and Survivorship Care: Following treatment, regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to assess the patient's recovery and identify any signs of recurrence. Survivorship care focuses on meeting the patient's physical, emotional, and psychological requirements in order to improve their overall well-being.
  • Integrative and Supportive Therapies: Complementary techniques like yoga, meditation, counselling, and support groups can help patients' mental and emotional healing throughout the course of therapy.
  • Clinical Trials: Enrolling in clinical trials can provide patients with access to cutting-edge treatments while also contributing to the advancement of breast cancer research and treatment alternatives.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Long-term monitoring and check-ups ensure that any potential recurrences or late adverse effects are identified and addressed as soon as possible.

Each phase of Breast Cancer Treatment in India is intended to improve outcomes while putting the patient's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being first. Breast Cancer Treatment is evolving as a result of ongoing research and medical advances, providing new pathways of hope for patients and their families.


Breast Cancer Treatment is a complicated road filled with victories and setbacks. While the primary goal is to eradicate cancer and improve quality of life, it is critical to be aware of potential complications that may occur during and after treatment. Understanding these problems enables patients and caregivers to pursue preventative, early intervention, and successful management measures.

Complications of Surgery:

  • Infection at the surgical site.
  • Bleeding or the creation of a hematoma.
  • Problems with wound healing.
  • Arm swelling caused by a disruption in lymph drainage following lymph node excision.
  • Fluid accumulation at the surgical site.

Complications of Radiation Therapy:

  • Skin changes such as redness, itching, and peeling are common.
  • Tiredness and localised pain.
  • Radiation pneumonitis (if located near the chest wall or lungs).
  • Long-term cardiovascular risk issues (in the case of left breast radiotherapy).

Complications of Chemotherapy:

  • Vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite.
  • Hair thinning.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Infection susceptibility has increased.
  • Numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet.

Complications of Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy:

  • Itching and rashes on the skin.
  • Diarrhoea or stomach problems.
  • Cardiovascular problems are a possibility.

Emotional and psychological issues

  • Depression and anxiety.
  • The fear of a recurrence.
  • Concerns with body image and self-esteem.
  • Adaptation to bodily changes following treatment.

Long-Term and Post-Surgical Complications:

  • Secondary malignancies are a risk as a result of treatment.
  • Cardiac problems, particularly with certain chemotherapy medications.
  • Cognitive issues (sometimes known as "chemo brain").
  • Fertility problems with early menopause in young patients

It is crucial to note that these problems do not affect all people, and their severity varies.

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Post-treatment, regular follow-up sessions are critical in checking for any signs of recurrence or lingering side effects. Physical and mental rehabilitation are ongoing processes that necessitate continual assistance from healthcare experts, friends, and family.

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Life after Breast Cancer Treatment

Survivors frequently experience a unique combination of obstacles following therapy, comprising both physical and mental components. Rebuilding self-esteem, living a healthy lifestyle, and participating in survivorship programs can all lead to a more rewarding life after Breast Cancer.

Success Rates of Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer Treatment success rates in India have shown positive developments. According to credible sources, the five-year survival rate for localised breast cancer, which has not spread beyond the breast, ranges from 80% to 90%. As the cancer stage progresses, the survival rate decreases, with a five-year survival rate of roughly 50% to 60% for regional dissemination and a lower percentage for distant metastases.

Treatment Cost Analysis and Comparison for Breast cancer: India vs. International

Breast Cancer Treatment costs can vary greatly depending on criteria such as treatment kind, stage, region, and healthcare provider selection. The table below compares the costs of breast cancer treatment in five major Indian cities and five nations.

Costs of Breast Cancer Treatment in Indian Cities:

Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
Delhi $ 4,000 $ 15,000 $ 34,500
Mumbai $ 4,800 $ 16,000 $ 35,000
Chennai $ 3,500 $ 15,500 $ 34,240
Hyderabad $ 3,750 $ 20,000 $ 32,000

Breast Cancer Treatment Costs at the international level (USD):

Country Surgery Chemotherapy (6 rounds) Radiation Therapy (25 sessions)
The United States $10,000-$20,000 $7,000 - $15,000 $8,000 -$14,000
The United Kingdom $5,000-$10,000 $4,500 - $9,000 $4,500 - $7,500
Australia $7,000 -$14,000 $5,500 -$11,000 $5,500 - $9,000
Canada $8,000 - $16,000 $6,500 - $13,000 $6,500 - $11,500
South African Republic $3,500 - $7,000 $2,800 - $5,600 $2,800 - $5,600

Factors Affecting Cost of Breast Cancer Treatment:

Several factors influence the cost of Breast Cancer Treatment, including:

  • Kind and stage of Breast cancer
  • Treatment and drug options
  • Hospital and physician fees
  • Geographical location

Diagnostic Costs in Breast Cancer Treatment in India

The foundation of effective breast cancer treatment is an accurate diagnosis. Diagnostics aid in determining the stage, kind, and extent of cancer, allowing healthcare practitioners to establish individualised treatment regimens. Diagnostics costs vary depending on criteria such as the type of tests, the stage of cancer, the healthcare facility, and the city. The following is a breakdown of the expected cost of several breast cancer diagnostic procedures in India:

  • Mammogram: Cost: 150 USD - 300 USD

Mammography is an important imaging technology that employs X-rays to detect breast abnormalities such as tumours and calcifications.

  • Ultrasound of the Breast: Cost: 1,000 USD -2,500 USD

Ultrasound imaging offers detailed views of breast tissue, assisting in the differentiation of benign from cancerous tumours.

  • Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) of the Breast: 4,000 USD - 8,000 USD

MRI provides high-resolution images of breast tissue, assisting in accurate tumour diagnosis and assessment.

  • Biopsy (Core Needle Aspiration or Fine Needle Aspiration): Cost: 2,000 USD- 5,000 USD

Biopsies entail the removal of tissue samples for testing to identify whether or not they are malignant.

  • Hormone Receptor Analysis: Cost: 1,500 USD - 3,000 USD

Hormone receptor testing determines whether cancer cells have estrogen and progesterone receptors.

  • HER2 Analysis: Cost: 1,500 USD - 3,000 USD

HER2 testing determines whether cancer cells create an overabundance of HER2 protein, which influences therapy decisions.

  • Genetic Analysis: Cost: 15,000 USD - 30,000 USD

Patients with a family history of breast cancer may benefit from genetic testing to discover gene alterations.

  • Blood Chemistry and Complete Blood Count (CBC) Tests: Cost: ₹800 and ₹1,500

The tests provide an overall evaluation of the patient's health as well as any underlying issues.

  • Lymph Node Imaging: Cost: 2,000 USD - 4,000 USD

Lymph Node Ultrasound or MRI imaging aids in determining their involvement in Breast Cancer.

Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is committed to making your medical journey as easy and successful as possible.

  • Individualised Counselling: Individualised counselling throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a large network of prestigious hospitals, leading doctors, and competent surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A comprehensive analysis of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and provides you with cost-effective options.
  • MedFlick can help with anything from travel preparations to hotel and visa assistance to housing.
  • Breaking down language barriers so that patients and medical personnel can communicate more effectively.

The path to a successful breast cancer treatment is long and convoluted, but it is full of hope, perseverance, and the promise of a better future. Navigating this life-changing trip becomes straightforward and enjoyable with MedFlick as your guide.


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Frequently asked questions

What are the early warning signs of Breast Cancer?
Is Breast Cancer inherited?
Where can I locate the best Breast Cancer doctor?
What factors influence Breast Cancer Treatment costs?
How effective is Breast Cancer Treatment?
Are there any other treatments available for Breast Cancer?
What function does Hormone Therapy have in Breast Cancer treatment?
Can I live a regular life after undergoing Breast Cancer treatment?
How do I deal with treatment-related adverse effects?
Is Breast Cancer only a female problem?

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