
Know Common Hip Problems Appropriately

icon-blog By -Dr. Kanika Sharma
icon-blog By -March 15, 2024


Know Common Hip Problems Appropriately

Running has become the primary form of exercise for many people of all ages and has steadily gained popularity throughout the world. Men and women from a variety of cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds find it appealing due to its low cost, adaptability, convenience, and associated health benefits. The frequency of injuries has been rising as more kids and adults engage in both recreational and competitive running. Hip injuries are one of the relatively common orthopedic issues affecting people. These may disrupt routine tasks, lower quality of life, and interfere into an athlete's training schedule.

Preventable training errors account for the majority of lower extremity running-related injuries, and some may require medical evaluation or a substantial reduction in training. Running-related hip injuries result from the interaction of extrinsic and intrinsic factors that negatively impact the intricate regional anatomy. 

There has been a discernible upsurge in innovation in the field of orthopedic care over the last few decades, especially with regard to managing hip injuries. Over the previous several years, India has seen an exponential increase in the number of joint replacement surgeries performed. This increase has also been facilitated by the introduction of price caps and a number of government programmes for the lower classes, which have allowed people who would not have had access to orthopedic care and joint surgeries in the past to now have minimally invasive surgeries with excellent outcomes. These surgeries can overpower its benefits over the risks for the needy patients. Furthermore, projections indicate that India will experience the fastest growth in hip replacement procedures worldwide from 2020 to 2026.

The following article will provide you an insight into the common hip injuries, emphasizing the need to recognise them timely and take informed decisions for the treatment. Moreover, knowing their causes appropriately can help you to prevent them to a great extent.

Some Common Hip Problems

Labral Tear

It's an  injury to the labrum (a cartilage covering the hip joint). These tears cause the surrounding tendons, muscles, and ligaments to become burdened or cause the hip joint to become unstable. Football, hockey, soccer, and tennis players sustain this injury more frequently than others..


  • Pain in hip or groin
  • pain associated with hip twisting
  • click or lock sound at the hip


  • Repeated injury or trauma in the hip
  • Bone deformities
  • Hip dysplasia (malalignment of joint bone)
  • Excessive movement of the joint

Treatment Options:

  • Pain relieving medications including NSAIDs
  • Physiotherapy
  • Infusion of corticosteroid along with an anesthetic agent for immediate pain relief

Surgical interventions like labral reconstruction, repair, and debridement for severe labral tears. Debridement of  dead tissue

Iliopsoas Impingement and Snapping Hip

A clinical condition known as snapping hip syndrome (also known as dancer's hip or coxa saltans) is typified by a palpable or audible snapping sensation that is experienced when the hip joint moves. Although overuse is the most common cause of this phenomenon, trauma can also be attributed to intramuscular injections into the gluteus maximus and surgical procedures.


  • Hip pain
  • Inability to walk
  • Pain in groin
  • Sensation of popping in the hip
  • Hip muscle tightening
  • Swelling
  • Fatigue due to weakened muscles


  • Paralabral cysts 
  • Partial/complete bifurcation of the iliopsoas tendon
  • Treatment Options


  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Regimented stretching program


The tiny, fluid-filled sacs called bursae, which cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles next to your joints, can become inflamed and cause bursitis. When bursae become inflamed, bursitis develops. Bursitis often occurs in the hip, elbow, and shoulder.


  • Pain while raising arms above head
  • Worsening of discomfort at night
  • Acute pain upon elbow bending
  • Signs of infection in this bursa
  • Pain while walking
  • Groin pain
  • Swelling in the kneecap causing pain on knee bending


Treatment Options

  • Physiotherapy
  • Medication for pain relief like corticosteroids & NSAIDS
  • Medication for infection like antibiotics
  • Bursa injections
  • Acupuncture

Femoroacetabular Impingement

Hip impingement, also known as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), is the result of the acetabulum (the hip cup) and femoral head (the hip ball) pinching against one another. This can result in injury to the labrum, the cartilage that surrounds the acetabulum, which can cause hip pain and stiffness as well as arthritis.


  • Groin Pain associated with activity or long-sitting
  • Difficulty in hip flexing
  • Stiffness in joint
  • Inability to step stairs
  • Limping
  • Body imbalance


  • Bony growth at the head of the femur either due to birth deformity or sometimes physical activity
  • Extra bone growth in the hip socket during child’s development

Treatment Options

  • Rest
  • Activity & lifestyle modification
  • Physiotherapy 
  • Anti-inflammatory regime

Traumatic Subluxation and Dislocation

There have been reports of traumatic subluxation/dislocation of the peroneal tendons after a range of sports-related activities. During the injury, the peroneal muscles reflexively contract, overcoming the soft tissue that is restraining it. After that, the tendons behind the distal fibula may dislocate in the front.


  • Joint deformity or displacement
  • Numbness or tingling at the joint
  • Swelling or discoloration
  • Poor joint mobility
  • Intense pain


  • Significant blunt trauma from accidents like vehicle collisions
  • Falls from height
  • Rarely from sports injury like football injuries 
  • Sometimes from simple falls

Treatment Options

  • Early reduction
  • Spinal decompression 
  • Graft and implant fixation
  • Physiotherapy to maximize neurological recovery
  • Prevention of secondary complications

Stress Fracture

Cracks in the upper portion of the femur are known as hip fractures. They most frequently affect older adults because osteoporosis weakens the bones in these individuals. On the other hand, they may also result from a hip injury or a hip fall. A group of tiny cracks combined is called a stress fracture. The femoral neck is typically where hip stress fractures happen. 


  • Thigh or groin pain
  • Inability to stand or move the leg
  • Swelling and bruising around the hip
  • Shortened limb


They are common in athletes and military personnel and are usually the result of overuse
Treatment Options:

Muscle Strain

One common injury brought on by a full or partial muscle tear is a strain. People who play sports like football, soccer, boxing, wrestling, long jumping, and hurdling frequently experience muscle strain.


  • Pain, discomfort and weakness in the muscles
  • Cramps, bruises, and swelling at the affected site


  • Overstretching of muscle

Treatment options:

  • RICE method (Rest, Ice, compression, & Elevation)
  • Mild painkillers

Osteitis Pubis

Inflammation in the joint (pubic symphysis) between your left and right pubic bones is known as osteitis pubis. It makes your lower abdomen or groin hurt and swell. It generally happens due to overactivity of hips, pelvis, and groin area repeatedly.


  • Constant dull and throbbing pain in groin lower abdomen pain 
  • Pain in inner thigh muscles
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Sense of tightness or pressure above your pelvis
  • Swelling


  • Poor muscle coordination
  • Impaired flexibility
  • Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction

Treatment options:

  • RICE method (Rest, Ice, compression, & Elevation)
  • Mild painkillers
  • Surgery


The most common hip disorders are hip injuries. Pay attention if you feel that something is off in your hip or any other area of your body. If you have experienced any physical trauma in your hip area as a result of an accident, a sporting event, or a fall, speak with your find doctors. This is due to the fact that identifying your joint problem early on can help to facilitate a more effective and rapid recovery.

To get medical advice for your hip injury, click here and make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is a common injury of the hip?

Hip tissue damage most commonly results from arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that typically impacts the hip. Sometimes known as "wear and tear" arthritis.

What are the symptoms of a worn hip joint?

Pain and immobility are the major symptoms of a worn hip joint. 

Can hip pain get better on its own?

Hip pain can better on their own depending upon its cause and exposure to risk factors. It can be treated with rest and over-the-counter pain killer medications like ibuprofen and paracetamol. Consult your doctor if, even after resting your hip at home for a week, it is still painful.

Does hip pain improve with walking?

Walking helps improve hip flexibility and range of motion by releasing tension in the hip flexors. lessen hip inflammatory response. Walking as exercise increases blood flow to your hip joint cartilage, which helps reduce inflammation. Arthritis is a condition that causes chronic inflammation.

Is hip pain related to sleeping position?

A mattress that is too soft or too hard, or the position you sleep in, could be the reason if you frequently wake up with hip pain. Try sleeping on your side if you usually sleep on your back. To maintain your hip alignment if you only sleep on one side, try switching to the other side and placing a pillow between your legs.

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