Dr. Hemant Ramesh Chaugule is a Consultant Nephrologist at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre and has an experience of over 9 years.
Dr. Hemant Pathare specialises in Heart and Lung Transplant Surgeries, High Risk CABG, Redo Open Heart Operations and implantation of Mechanical circulatory assist devices.
Dr. J. G. Lalmalani is a highly trained Urologist from LTM Medical College & General Hospital, Sion, and with training in various prestigious hospitals in the United States.
Dr. Ketan Desai is a Consultant Urologist & Andrologist, having his Clinic at Peddar Road. he holds an experience of 31 years in the field of private practice.
Dr. Madhav H. Kamat was born in Mumbai, India on 21st November 1936. He completed his pre-medical, medical and post graduate general surgical training in Mumbai and obtained Master of Surgery degree from Bombay University in 1963. Thereafter, Dr. Kamat spent 10 years in USA (1964-1974), during which he got specialized training in the field of Urology, obtained the highest qualifications in Urology from American Board of Urology and Royal College of Surgeons, Canada, and served as the urology faculty of New Jersey College of Medicine, New Jersey, USA. In 1974, Dr. Kamat accepted the invitation from late Dr. S.J Mehta, the then medical director of Jaslok Hospital & research Centre, Mumbai to join as a senior consultant in Urology. Dr. Kamat is acknowledged for his pioneering work in “Endoscopic Surgery of Prostate” and “Kidney Transplantation”. He was a member of the surgical team that started “Kidney Transplant Program” at the Jaslok Hospital in 1975. In 1977, Dr. Kamat was appointed at the Grant Medical College & J.J Group of Hospitals as a Hon. Associate Professor of Urology. In 1982 he was promoted as Hon. Professor & Chairman of the Department of Urology till his retirement in 1994. He established the “Kidney Transplant Programme” at J.J Hospital. He has helped some of his past post-graduate students to establish kidney transplant facilities in other cities in India. At Grant Medical College, Dr. Kamat trained several students for M.Ch Urology course of Bombay University. He was also a teacher for DNB course of National Board of Examination. He served as an examiner for M.Ch Urology at several Universities in India and also for DNB examinations. Dr. Kamat has served as an expert advisor to several medical institutions in India for selection of urology faculty. Dr. Madhav Kamat was conferred upon the Dr. B.C Roy National Award for “Eminent Teacher” in the year 1999 by the Medical Council of India. He was elected as the President of Urological Society of India for 2001-2002.
After post graduation Dr M M Bahadur has worked at a spectrum of health care facilities from primary care to the superspeciality tertiary care set up.
After completion of his Surgical residency from the prestigious Seth GS Medical College and KEM hospital, Mumbai he went on for further training at one of India's top rated Urological residency programmes at the Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre (IKDRC) in Ahmedabad.