
Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

Avg Price: $ 3200-$ 12000

Cancer begins when cells within the body experience uncontrolled growth. Cells can undergo such transformation in any body part, potentially spreading to other regions. Pros...
  • 1-2 Weeks

    Treatment Time

  • 9-10 Days

    Recovery Time

  • 5-6 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 75%-80%

    Success Rate

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Prostate Cancer

95% Success Rate
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250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries
95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries


As per the World Health Organization (WHO) data from 2020, prostate cancer is identified as the third most frequently detected Cancer. Its occurrence rates vary considerably worldwide, spanning from 6 to 83 instances per 100,000 individuals. Among men, it takes the position of the second most common cancer diagnosis and contributes as the fifth leading cause of global mortality. Estimates suggest that developed nations tend to exhibit a higher prevalence of this Cancer. Notably, both the occurrence and fatality rates of Prostate Cancer are closely associated with age, with the highest instances observed in older men (above the age of 65).

The characteristics of Prostate Cancer encompass a diverse range. During its initial stages, it might not show symptoms and often follows a slow progression. This underscores the importance of timely and suitable treatment as well as vigilant monitoring. Such assessments are reliant on the proficiency of the medical practitioner. In India, doctors exhibit notable qualifications and distinct expertise in the realm of Cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Even as an emerging nation, India is swiftly transforming into a prominent hub for Cancer healthcare. Particularly, medical establishments in India have been making significant progress in the field of Cancer therapy, including the specialization of prostate cancer treatment. As a result, the task of finding the best doctor for Prostate Cancer treatment and the best hospital for prostate cancer treatment is becoming more convenient and cost-effective with each passing year.

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Types of Prostate Cancer Treatments

The approach to your treatment is influenced by several elements, encompassing your general health status, the extent of cancer dissemination, and its rate of progression. Depending on the chosen treatment methods, you might collaborate with diverse medical professionals, such as Urologists, Radiation Oncologists, and Medical Oncologists. The majority of Prostate Cancers identified at an early stage can be successfully addressed through treatment:

Various treatment modalities include:
1. Surveillance: Instead of administering treatment, your doctor might choose to observe your situation if your Cancer exhibits gradual growth and remains localized.

  • Active Monitoring: Regular screenings, scans, and biopsies are conducted every one to three years to oversee the progression of the cancer. Active monitoring is most suitable when the cancer advances slowly, is confined to the prostate, and does not lead to noticeable symptoms. If your condition deteriorates, your healthcare provider can initiate treatments.
  • Cautious Observation: Watchful waiting resembles active monitoring but is more common among individuals who are more fragile and have Cancer that is unlikely to respond well to treatment. Testing is less frequent. Instead of attempting to eliminate the tumor, treatments are primarily aimed at managing symptoms.

2. Radical Prostatectomy: A radical prostatectomy involves the removal of a diseased prostate gland and is often effective in eradicating localized prostate cancers. If your healthcare provider deems this surgery appropriate for you, they will recommend the most suitable removal approach which can be conventional open radical prostatectomy and robotic radical prostatectomy.
3. Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy may be administered as a sole approach for addressing Prostate Cancer or in conjunction with other therapies. It can also alleviate symptoms associated with the

  • Brachytherapy: This internal radiation method entails the insertion of radioactive seeds within the prostate. By doing so, cancer cells are targeted while neighboring healthy tissue is safeguarded.
  • External Beam Radiation Therapy: In external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), a machine emits powerful X-ray beams precisely towards the tumor. Advanced forms of EBRT, such as IMRT, can precisely direct substantial radiation doses to the tumor while minimizing impact on healthy tissue.

4. Systemic Treatments: In the event that cancer extends beyond the prostate gland, your healthcare provider might suggest systemic therapies. These therapies disperse substances throughout your body to either eliminate cancer cells or hinder their growth.

  • Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy employs medications to counteract testosterone's role in fueling cancer cell growth. These drugs function by obstructing testosterone from reaching cancer cells or by decreasing testosterone levels. Alternatively, the removal of testicles (orchiectomy) to cease testosterone production might be recommended for those averse to medications.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy employs drugs to obliterate cancer cells. If your cancer has progressed beyond the prostate, you might receive chemotherapy either alone or in conjunction with hormone therapy.
  • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy bolsters your immune system, empowering it to recognize and combat cancer cells more effectively. This type of therapy is suggested for advanced or recurrent cancer cases.
  • Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy is tailored to genetic changes that drive normal cells towards becoming cancerous, curtailing their proliferation. It is especially effective for prostate cancer with BRCA gene mutations.

5. Focal Therapy: Focal Therapy, a novel treatment approach, eradicates tumors within the prostate. This method is recommended if the cancer is low-risk and hasn't spread. It involves:

  • High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): Intense sound waves generate heat that eliminates cancer cells within the prostate.
  • Cryotherapy: Cold gases freeze cancer cells within the prostate, eradicating the tumor.
  • Laser Ablation: Focused heat on the tumor annihilates cancer cells within the prostate, erasing the tumor.
  • Photodynamic Therapy: Medications heighten cancer cells' sensitivity to specific light wavelengths. Exposure to these light wavelengths eradicates cancer cells.

Pre-Evaluation for Prostate Cancer

The majority of Prostate Cancers are initially detected through screening methods that are mentioned below:

  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test
  • Digital rectal exam (DRE)

In the early stages, Prostate Cancers typically do not manifest symptoms, whereas symptoms may arise when the Cancer advances. When there is suspicion of Prostate Cancer due to screening outcomes or symptoms, additional tests are necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Initial assessment for this Cancer treatment typically involves a series of steps to gather essential information about the cancer's extent, characteristics, and the overall health of the patient. Here's a general outline of the pre-evaluation process for Prostate Cancer treatment:

  • Medical History Review: The patient's medical history is reviewed to understand their overall health, any past medical conditions, medications, and family history of cancer.
  • Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination, including a digital rectal exam (DRE), is conducted to assess the size, shape, and texture of the prostate gland.
  • PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) Test: A blood test measures PSA levels. Elevated PSA levels can indicate prostate issues, including cancer. However, a high PSA level does not necessarily mean cancer is present.
  • Biopsy: If there are indications of potential cancer, a biopsy may be performed. Small tissue samples are collected from the prostate gland using a needle. Pathologists examine these samples to determine the presence of cancer cells and their aggressiveness (Gleason score).
  • Genetic Testing: Some doctors advise considering genetic testing for specific hereditary gene alterations in select individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer. This applies to men who are suspected of having a familial cancer syndrome (such as mutations in the BRCA gene or Lynch syndrome), as well as men with prostate cancer exhibiting certain high-risk characteristics or having metastasized to other regions of the body.
  • Imaging Tests: Diagnostic imaging procedures employ various techniques such as X-Rays, magnetic fields, sound waves, or radioactive elements to generate visual representations of the internal structures within your body. A combination of one or multiple imaging examinations could be employed including:
  1. Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  3. Bone scan
  4. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
  5. Computed tomography (CT) scan
  • Lymph Node Biopsy: During a lymph node biopsy, referred to as lymph node dissection or lymphadenectomy, the objective is to extract one or more lymph nodes to determine the presence of cancer cells.
  • Staging: The extent of Cancer is determined through staging. Staging helps in deciding the appropriate treatment approach. The commonly used staging system is the TNM system, which considers tumor size (T), lymph node involvement (N), and metastasis (M).

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Symptoms and Causes Of Prostate Cancer


The majority of prostate cancers are detected in their early stages through screening. Typically, early-stage prostate cancer doesn't exhibit any symptoms. In cases of more advanced prostate cancers, symptoms may manifest, including:

  • Urinary issues, like a slow or feeble urinary stream, increased frequency of urination (particularly at night)
  • Presence of blood in urine or semen
  • Difficulty achieving an erection (erectile dysfunction or ED)
  • Pain in the hips, back (spine), chest (ribs), or other regions due to cancer spreading to the bones
  • Weakness, numbness in the legs or feet, or even loss of control over bladder or bowel functions due to cancer exerting pressure on the spinal cord


Inherited Genes: The precise origins of Prostate Cancer remain unclear to researchers. DNA mutations can trigger cancer by either keeping oncogenes (genes responsible for cell growth, division, and survival) in a perpetually active state or by deactivating tumor suppressor genes. Such alterations in gene function can result in unregulated cell growth. Certain gene mutations are capable of being transmitted from one generation to another (inherited) and are present in all bodily cells. It is estimated that inherited gene mutations contribute to approximately 10% of prostate cancers. Cancers stemming from inherited genes are termed as hereditary cancer.

Acquired Genes: Certain genes undergo mutations within an individual's lifespan, and these mutations are not transferred to offspring. Such alterations are present exclusively in cells stemming from the previously mutated cell. These mutations are referred to as acquired mutations. The majority of gene mutations linked to prostate cancer appear to emerge over the course of a man's life, as opposed to being inherited. The risk factors behind acquired gene mutation are: 

  • Androgens: Elevated androgen (male hormones like testosterone) levels may increase the susceptibility to prostate cancer in certain men.
  • Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1): As per research, there is a potential correlation between heightened levels of a different hormone such as IGF-1 and an increased risk of prostate cancer in men.
  • Inflammation: Certain studies suggest that the inflammation within the prostate might have a connection to prostate cancer. As it can lead to damage in cell DNA, potentially facilitating the transformation of a normal cell into a cancerous one. 
  • Radiation or Cancer-causing Substances: Exposure to radiation or other cancer-causing substances can induce DNA mutations in various organs.

Complications of Prostate Cancer

Possible complications associated with the treatment encompass:

  • Urinary Incontinence: You might experience urine leakage when you cough or laugh, or feel a compelling urge to urinate even when your bladder isn't full. Typically, this issue improves over the initial six to twelve months without requiring intervention.
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Surgery, radiation, and other treatments can harm the nerves responsible for erectile function in your penis, potentially impacting your ability to achieve or sustain an erection. It is common to witness a return of erectile function within a year or two (sometimes sooner). In the interim, medications like sildenafil or tadalafil can assist by enhancing blood flow to the penis.
  • Impaired Fertility: Treatments can influence your capacity to produce or release sperm, leading to infertility. 

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Continued attention for individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer doesn't conclude once active treatment is completed. Your medical team will persist in ensuring that the cancer doesn't resurface, addressing any side effects, and overseeing your overall well-being. This continuum of care is known as follow-up care. Your follow-up regimen may involve regular physical check-ups, medical assessments, or a combination of both. Medical professionals aim to monitor your progress in the months and years following treatment.

Given that risks differ from person to person, discussing your risk profile with your doctor is crucial to establish an appropriate schedule for follow-up care. Cancer rehabilitation might be recommended, encompassing a broad spectrum of services like physical therapy, occupational therapy, vocational guidance, pain management, nutritional planning, and emotional counseling. The objective of rehabilitation is to empower individuals to regain control over various aspects of their lives and sustain a degree of independence.

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Life after Prostate Cancer Treatment

Regardless of the specific cancer type, treatments frequently lead to side effects that influence the well-being of patients for lifetime. In the context of prostate cancer, potential side effects can be especially worrisome for men in making treatment decisions.

Prostate Cancer treatments frequently influence a patient's sexual life. Surgical procedures, radiation therapy, and other treatments can result in side effects such as decreased sexual desire, reduction in penis size, dry orgasm, decreased sperm count, and/or erectile dysfunction. However, professionals affirm that the majority of these side effects are controllable, and many men have a favorable chance of restoring a healthy sexual life following prostate cancer treatment.

Apart from medications, pellets, injections, pumps, and implants, there are additional strategies available to counteract side effects following Prostate Cancer treatment. Some of these methods are outlined below.

  • Adopting Lifestyle Changes: Factors like obesity, lack of physical activity, and tobacco use have been linked to erectile dysfunction. Making lifestyle adjustments can address these contributing factors in men who have undergone Prostate Cancer treatment.
  • Engaging in Psychosexual Counseling: Research indicates that therapy can enhance the quality of life for both men and their partners following cancer treatment.
  • Practicing Pelvic Floor Exercises: Exercising the superficial muscles of the pelvic floor can improve erections in men who have received prostate cancer treatment. 

Success Rate of Prostate Cancer Treatment

If Prostate Cancer is identified in its early stages, the prognosis is highly favorable. Nearly all individuals, around 99%, who are diagnosed with localized cancer that hasn't extended beyond the prostate, survive for at least five years post-diagnosis. In cases where Prostate Cancer has metastasized, or spread beyond the prostate, the survival rates are not as promising. About 32% of individuals with metastatic Prostate Cancer remain alive five years after diagnosis.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Keep in mind that medical information and cost of prostate cancer treatment can vary over time and by location, so it's important to consult with medical professionals and financial advisors for the most up-to-date and accurate information. The lowest cost for treating Prostate Cancer in India begins approximately at $1130. On average, the expense for this treatment in India is around  $4951.

The highest expenses can go up to $ 13,224. After accounting for the aforementioned elements, the expense associated with treating prostate cancer in India can range from approximately $ 1130 to $ 13,224. In contrast, undergoing equivalent treatment in the United States is priced at approximately $250,000.

Cost Analysis and comparison based on the location of a the Cancer Care facility:

City            Cost ( $ )

Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi

$ 3800 -  $ 12500

Prostate Cancer Treatment in Mumbai

$ 3800 -  $ 12000

Prostate Cancer Treatment in Chennai

$ 3800 -  $ 3200

Prostate Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad

$ 3500 -  $ 11500

Cost Analysis and comparison based on an approximate cost split:


Cost ($)                          
Pre-treatment cost [Imaging, biopsy, uroflowmetry] $481.27 to $601.59
Treatment advised  $2406.35 -$12500
Post-procedure management  $360.95-$962.54

Factors Affecting Cost of Prostate Cancer Treatment

Nonetheless, the cost of Prostate Cancer treatment in India might fluctuate contingent on the subsequent key aspects:

  • Health insurance coverage
  • Out of pocket expense
  • Admission charges
  • Oncologist remuneration
  • Patient's age
  • Extent of tumour severity or metastasis
  • Patient's medical state
  • Nature of intended prostate cancer treatment
  • Complications encountered post-procedure
  • Hospital category
  • Chosen room category for admission
  • Additional laboratory or diagnostic assessments like X-rays, ECGs, and others

Cost of Diagnostics for Prostate Cancer Treatment

The expenses associated with diagnosing prostate cancer might encompass several preliminary assessments and examinations performed prior to the primary treatment. These supplementary costs cover diagnostic procedures like X-rays, CT (computed tomography) scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, PET (positron emission tomography) scan, biopsies, and other diagnostic evaluations. The overall costs for these tests can range from INR 40,000 to INR 50,000.

Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is dedicated to ensuring that your medical journey goes as smoothly and successfully as possible.

  • Individualized Guidance: Personalized guidance throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a broad network of prominent hospitals, top doctors, and skilled surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A full breakdown of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and offers you cost-effective solutions.
  • MedFlick provides everything from travel arrangements to hotel and visa help to lodging.
  • Multilingual Support: Breaking down language barriers to allow patients and medical professionals to communicate more effectively.
  • The road to a successful Prostate Cancer treatment is long and winding, full of hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future. With MedFlick as your guide, navigating this life changing adventure becomes simple and liberating.


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Frequently asked questions

At what age should men start Prostate Cancer screenings?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi offer treatment for Breast Cancer?
How far is Apollo Proton, Chennai from the nearest airport?
Does Fortis Gurugram offer an Air Ambulance Facility?
Is Surgery the best option for localized Prostate Cancer?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi have a pharmacy?
Does Apollo Proton, Chennai offer an online doctor consultation facility?
Is Fortis Gurugram NABH accredited?
Can lifestyle changes help manage Prostate Cancer?
What facilities are available in Apollo Hospital Delhi Platinum Lounge?
What type of cancer treatment facilities are offered at Apollo Proton, Chennai?
Which Metro Station is closest to Fortis Gurugram?
Are there alternative or Complementary Treatments?
What's the Gleason score?
Can Prostate Cancer be prevented?
What's the role of a Radiation Oncologist?
What's the significance of Cancer staging?
Is Genetic testing relevant for Prostate Cancer patients?
What's Salvage Therapy?