
Knee Replacement Surgery in Chennai

Avg Price: $ 2200-$ 12000

  • 1-2 Weeks

    Treatment Time

  • 2-3 Months

    Recovery Time

  • 5-6 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 80-90%

    Success Rate

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Osteoarthritis is among the degenerative joint conditions that cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. This severely affects a persons ability to perform his/her day-to-day functions. It generally affects the whole joint, including the surrounding tissues. It most commonly affects knees, spine, hips, and hands. Various factors that contribute to the development of this disease include the history of joint injury/overuse, advanced age, and excessive body weight. It generally affects women more than men. Exercising and healthy dietary habits can minimize the disease symptoms in early stages. But surgery for the joint replacement becomes very necessary in severe cases to reduce pain and regain mobility.

Currently, total knee replacement surgery is one of the most successful and effective orthopedic surgical procedures. It is known to deliver excellent long-term outcomes which are ranging from 90% to 98%. The success of the procedure undoubtedly demands strict compliance with certain technical parameters including correct leg axis restoration, correct component positioning, and accurate ligament balancing. It also depends on accurate exposure of the joint. This is very crucial for minimizing or avoiding the errors of positioning and aligning the prosthetic components, and thus early failure of the implant mechanically.

This emphasizes the importance of high precision and accuracy while performing this procedure. Therefore, one must do good research while selecting the right orthopedic surgeon for themselves.

In todays scenario, there has been advancement in the surgical orthopedics field especially joint replacement surgeries. It has shown a fast-paced development in the recent decades. In the last few years, an exponential rise in the number of joint replacement surgeries was noticed in India. Numerous government programmes for the lower classes and the implementation of price caps have also contributed to this surge, enabling individuals who previously would not have had access to joint replacement surgeries to now undergo operations on a regular basis. A market survey indicates that the number of joint replacement surgeries performed in India is rising annually. It was estimated that 2,00,000 knee arthroplasty procedures will be performed in India in 2020. The number of businesses offering implants has also grown significantly over the past ten years. As of now, both domestic and international businesses offer implants in India.

India is home to various skilled orthopedic surgeons. Moreover, the advanced healthcare infrastructure and facilities make India a right choice for undergoing any orthopedic surgery. Therefore, choosing the best doctors for knee replacement surgery and the best hospitals for knee replacement surgery in India is getting easier every day.

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Types of Knee Replacement Surgeries

Your Orthopedic Specialist will advise either total or partial replacement knee replacement on the basis of extent of damage and overall health status of the individual:

  • Total Knee Replacement: The most common type of knee replacement is a total knee replacement. The three components of your knee joint are the medial (inside), lateral (outside), and patellofemoral (knee cap), which will all be replaced by your surgeon.
  • Partial Knee Replacement: This is precisely what it sounds like. A partial knee replacement does not involve complete replacement of knee structure. If your knee joint only has one or two damaged areas, your surgeon will likely replace those areas only. After suffering an injury or trauma, younger adults are more likely to undergo partial knee replacements.

Pre-Evaluation for Knee Replacement Surgery

Your pre-evaluation procedure may involve following:

  • A complete physical exam to confirm your suitability for surgery.
  • Blood tests.
  • Electrocardiogram to assess the condition of your heart.
  • Dental examination to lower the possibility of infection following surgery.
  • Imaging tests such as knee X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or a computed tomography (CT) scan
  • Inform your doctor about any medications and over-the-counter supplements you have taken and you are currently taking
  • You will be asked to stop taking certain medications or supplements before your surgery. As certain medication may interfere with the post-surgical healing process
  • The day before surgery, your surgeon will advise you on when to stop eating and drinking. The majority of patients must abstain from food and liquids 12 hours prior to surgery

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How is Knee Replacement Surgery done?

In the hospital settings, either a spinal block, which numbs the lower body, or a general anesthetic, which induces a sedative-like state, will be administered to you. In order to reduce pain following surgery, your surgeon may also inject numbing medication in close proximity of nerves or in and around the joint.

During the procedure, you may expect following:

  • Generally, a knee replacement procedure takes one to two hours.
  • Your doctor will make a cut across the knee.
  • In total knee replacement surgery, the three components of your knee joint are the medial (inside), lateral (outside), and patellofemoral (knee cap), which will all be replaced by your surgeon.
  • In partial knee replacement surgery, the doctor will preserve the healthy bone while removing unhealthy and damaged bone and cartilage
  • Insert the prosthetic knee joint
  • The doctor will Insert a plastic spacer to recreate the smooth cushion of the cartilage that was damaged or removed
  • If required, your surgeon will reshape your patella (kneecap) in order to fit the new prosthetic knee joint;
  • The incisions will be secured using stitches and area will cleaned

Complications of Knee Replacement Surgery

Like any surgery, knee replacement surgery has risks. Among them are:

  • Blood Clots: Blood-thinning drugs are usually advised by surgeons to reduce this risk. Legs are the most common site for blood clots. However, they can enter the lungs and become fatal.
  • Damage to Nerves: There is a chance that the implant site will bruise nearby nerves. Pain, weakness, and numbness can result from nerve damage.
  • Infection: Either the deeper tissue or the area of the incision can become infected. Infections sometimes require surgery to cure.
  • Although Knee Replacement implants are strong, they could gradually loosen or wear down. If such events happen, a second operation might be required for the replacement of the damaged or loose components.

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The duration of your hospital stay post-surgery will be decided according to your specific needs. However, many individuals may return home on the same day with a number of post-operative care instructions.

Following knee replacement surgery, there is an increased risk of blood clots. To mitigate this risk, you may be advised to:

  • Early Movement: Emphasis will be placed on prompt sitting up and walking with the aid of crutches or a walker shortly after the surgery.
  • Pressure Application: Elastic compression stockings or inflatable air sleeves on your lower legs may be worn both during and after surgery. It helps in preventing blood pooling in the leg veins and lowering the likelihood of clot formation.
  • Blood Thinners: Depending on factors such as your post-surgery mobility, activity level, and overall clot risk, your surgeon might prescribe blood thinners for several weeks.

Following are the tips that will fasten your recovery process:

  • You'll likely be instructed to perform regular breathing exercises and gradually increase your activity level
  • A physical therapist will guide you in exercising your new knee
  • After leaving the hospital, ongoing physical therapy may be recommended, either at home or at a designated center

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Life after Knee Replacement Surgery

  • After undergoing knee surgery, the recovery period typically spans 6–12 months, with some cases requiring longer. 
  • Depending on your specific circumstances, most individuals can return to driving within 4–6 weeks, with a potential earlier return for those with left knee surgery.
  • Ensure your ability to bend the knee adequately for pedal operation. Avoid driving while on medications that may impair your driving skills, and consult your doctor before getting behind the wheel.
  • Typically, it takes 3–6 weeks for getting back to work, but this duration may vary based on the nature of your work. For those with home-based work, a return within 10 days may be feasible, while labor-intensive jobs may require a longer recovery, possibly extending to 3 months or more. 
  • Consider wearing compression stockings, regular stretching, and foot exercises during the flight to prevent blood clots. 
  • You can resume household tasks as soon as you feel comfortable moving around. 
  • Initiate walking as soon as possible, initially with assistive devices. Work closely with a physical therapist during the initial weeks to detect any knee issues. Gradually increase activities after about 12 weeks, incorporating low-impact exercises like swimming. Avoid stressing the joint with certain movements, as recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS).
  • For the first 2 years post-knee replacement, there is an increased risk of infection. Antibiotics may be necessary before dental work or invasive procedures. Consult with your doctor or dentist for guidance.
  • Opt for loose, light clothing in the initial weeks for comfort. 

Success Rate of Knee Replacement Surgery

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) reports that 90% of patients who get a knee replacement experience significant relief in pain. For many patients, knee replacement surgery helps them to stay active and return hobbies they previously enjoyed, like walking and playing golf.

As per AAOS, over 90 % of replacement knees are still functioning even after 15 years. According to a 2019 study, 82 % of total knee replacements are still functioning even after 25 years of surgery. A successful knee replacement has potential to offer you a higher quality of life, better mobility, and lesser pain.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Knee Replacement Surgery

The cost of knee replacement surgery in India varies according to various factors which are discussed in the next section of this article. However, the approximate cost of the procedure may range from AAAAAAAAAAA-ZZZZZZZZ

Location $ Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Delhi $ 2400 $ 6240 $ 12000
Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Mumbai $ 2800 $ 6000 $ 11958
Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Chennai $ 2200 $ 5800 $ 11500
Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Hyderabad $ 2400 $ 5500 $ 11800




Location $ Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
UK $16000 $18000 $28000
USA $21000 $28000 $40000
Turkey $15000 $18000 $25000
Singapore $21500 $30000 $42000


Factors Affecting Cost of Knee Replacement Surgery

Following are the factors affecting the cost of knee replacement surgery in India:

  • Doctor’s Expertise: The number of successful cases accomplished by a doctor may affect the cost of treatment. Generally, higher the expertise, higher will be the cost.
  • Doctor’s Experience: The doctors with more years of work experience in knee replacement surgeries will charge more.
  • Extent of Knee Damage: Greater damage will require a more extensive and complex course of treatment, which will also increase costs. 
  • Overall Health Status of Patients: People having prevailing illnesses and old-age people will be at risk of getting more complications. So, there will be more post-operative care for them which will increase the cost.
  • Out of Pocket Expense: If your treatment is not being covered under your health insurance policy, then you may have to pay a higher out of pocket amount for the treatment. 
  • Pre-Surgical Expenses: Various diagnostic tests will add to the total cost of the treatment.
  • Hospital Fees: If you are choosing a government hospital for your treatment, then the cost of the treatment will definitely be highly affordable. On the contrary, if you choose any private or corporate hospital for your treatment then you will have to pay a higher amount.
  • Type of Surgery: Depending upon your condition, your doctor will plan the treatment approach for you. This will also impact the cost of treatment depending upon the approach chosen.
  • City where hospital is located: Hospitals located in bigger cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Noida, Gurugram, etc. may charge comparatively more than the hospitals located in the smaller cities. This is because hospitals in the metropolises can facilitate you better in every aspect.

Cost of Diagnostics for Knee Replacement Surgery

Diagnostic Procedure Average Cost $
Blood Tests $300-$1000
Electrocardiogram $150-$400
Dental Examination $500-$4000
Knee X-Ray $200-$8000
Knee MRI $2000-$10000
Knee CT Scan $5000-$10000


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MedFlick, committed to ensuring a smooth and successful medical journey for you, offers:

  • Individualized Guidance: Receive personalized guidance throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a Broad Healthcare Network: Connect with prominent hospitals, top doctors, and skilled surgeons through our extensive network.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: Access a full breakdown of treatment costs, promoting transparency and offering fair cost-effective solutions..
  • Comprehensive Support Services: From travel arrangements to hotel and visa assistance, MedFlick provides a range of services to make your experience seamless.
  • Multilingual Support: Break down language barriers, facilitating effective communication between patients and medical professionals.

Experience a transformative journey of a successful knee replacement surgery with MedFlick as your trusted guide. Our assistance makes navigating this life-changing therapeutic procedure simple and liberating, filled with hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future.


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Frequently asked questions

How do I know if Knee Replacement Surgery will help me?
What else can be done for Knee Arthritis besides Surgery?
Which type of Replacement would benefit me?
Does it make a difference which hospital I go to?
Do I need to lose weight before Surgery?
Should I learn to use crutches or a walker before I have the Surgery?
Should I quit smoking or drinking alcohol before the Surgery?
How can I get my home ready before I even go to the hospital?
Can I go for Knee Replacement Surgery if I am Diabetic or Hypertensive?
How long will the surgery last?