Dr. Alluri Srinivas Raju is a Top Heart Specialist in Hyderabad with over 12 years of experience in Cardiology.
Dr. Alok Mathur has been working as Sr. Consultant Physician and Non-Invasive Cardiologist for more than 20 Yrs.
Dr. Ameet G. Sattur is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist with a decade of valuable experience in the field
Did his medical and speciality training from Mumbai and then Fellowship in Cardiac Electrophysiology from Taipei, Taiwan and Perth, Australia.
Dr. Amit Mittal is one of the top Cardiologists in South Delhi. With 11 years of expertise, Dr. Amit Mittal is regarded as one of the best Cardiologists in South Delhi.
Dr. Amit Chandra is one of the senior most Cardiac Surgeon associated with Medanta. He received his Cardiac Surgical training from world renowned Texas heart Institute USA under Dr. Denton A Cooley. He has been doing independent Cardiac Surgery since 1998 and has since done >10,000 Cardiac operations like CABG and Valve Surgeries.
Cardiac Anaesthesia, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS)
Dr. Anand Ram has completed his DM (Cardiology) from the prestigious Post Graduate Department of Cardiology, JLN Medical College & Associated Group of Hospitals.
Dr. Anand R. Shenoy is a Cardiologist in Bengaluru, who is currently associated with the Manipal Hospitals, Old Airport Road, Bengaluru, as a Consultant in Interventional Cardiology.