
Best Colon Cancer Specialist in Chennai, India

10 Results

Dr. Rajasundaram S

Designation: Director - Institute of Oncology

Experience: 25+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Gleneagles Global Health City

Dr Rajasundaram S has passed his M.B.B.S from Madras Medical College, University of Madras. He also received his D.N.B (Gen Surgery) from the National Board of Examination, M.Ch. from Cancer Institute, and F.A.M.S from the Fellowship of the Association of Minimal Access Surgery.


Dr. Ram Prabu M. P.

Designation: Senior Consultant - Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology

Experience: 22+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Gleneagles Global Health City

Dr Ram Prabu qualified M.B.B.S from Madurai Medial College and went on to pursue his MD General Medicine from JIPMER, Pondicherry.


Dr. Raja T

Designation: Medical Oncologist

Experience: 20+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Apollo Proton Chennai

With 20 years of experience as a Medical Oncologist, Dr. T Raja has a proven track record of dealing with cancer patients.


Dr. Senthil Kumar Ganapathi

Designation: Senior Consultant

Experience: 20+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Apollo Proton Chennai

Senthil Kumar Ganapathi is a well experienced Gastrointestinal Surgeon who has achieved a high level of proficiency in Gastrointestinal Surgery and has a special interest in managing Colon and Rectal Cancers by Minimally Invasive techniques.


Dr. Ajit Pai

Designation: Consultant-Surgical Oncologist

Experience: 21+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Apollo Proton Chennai

Dr Ajit Pai is a highly experienced Surgical Oncologist in Chennai. He provides diagnoses and treatment plans for diverse types of Cancer, such as Breast, Lung, Head and Neck, Gynecological, Prostate, and Ewing’s Sarcoma.


Dr. Venkat P

Designation: Surgical Oncologist

Experience: 20+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Apollo Proton Chennai


Dr. Rakesh Ratan Jalali

Designation: Medical Director & Lead

Experience: 28+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Apollo Proton Chennai

Dr. Rakesh Jalali is an internationally renowned key opinion leader in Oncology particularly known for high-precision radiotherapy techniques.


Dr. Deepa Chegu

Designation: Consultant (Breast Imaging Specialist)

Experience: 22+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Gleneagles Global Health City

Dr Deepa Chegu is a subspecialist Radiologist with interest in Breast Imaging and Interventions. She did her graduation and post-graduation from the Sri Ramachandra Institute of Medical Sciences, Chennai, with about 20 years of experience.


Dr. Rajeswari Rajeswari

Designation: Consultant

Experience: 16+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Gleneagles Global Health City

Dr S Rajeswari is a highly skilled Colposcopy Specialist with over 16 years of experience in the Department of Preventive Oncology. She had pursued her M.B.B.S, from the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Medical University. She got her DNB in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from National Board of Examination. Then she underwent special training in Training course on early detection and prevention of cervical Cancer (WHO / IRAC) in Barshi, Maharashtra, under the guidance of Dr Sankarnarayanan (Past Head of Screening IARC).


Dr. Nithiin Balachandar

Designation: Consultant (Radiation Oncology)

Experience: 10+ years
Location: Chennai
Hospital: Gleneagles Global Health City

Dr Nithiin Balachandar is a skilled and accomplished radiation oncologist with 10 years of experience. He is the consultant radiation oncologist at Gleneagles Global health city, Chennai. He has professional and great hands on experience in IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy), VMAT (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy), 3DCRT (3 Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy), 2DRT and HDR & LDR brachytherapy.

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