r Pradeep Kocheeppan is a reputed Orthopaedic Specialist in Bangalore with over 15 years of experience in the field.
Dr. Pradeep Bhosale is a Orthopedic surgeon in Vileparle West, Mumbai and has an experience of 40 years in this field. Dr. Pradeep Bhosale practices at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital in Vileparle West, Mumbai.
Dr. Pramod Bhor is a Director - Orthopedics and Joint Replacement Surgeon at Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi.
Dr. Prasad Bhagunde is the Head of SportsOrtho, Arthroscopy, Sports medicine & Shoulder Service at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre in Mumbai.
Dr. Prashant Kamble has 13 years of experience in the field of Orthopaedic Hand,Wrist and Elbow-related disorders at the reputed institutes of India, Hong Kong, Germany
Dr. Praveen Tittal has more than 19 years of experience in field of Orthopaedics.Apart from doing General orthopaedics, his special interest is in Arthroscopic Surgeries,treating sports injury patients and periarticular trauma patients Dr Praveen Tittal is an alumni of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.
Dr Priyadarshi Amit is a dual Fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon with previous experience of working as Consultant in National Health Services (NHS) in the UK.
Dr. Nawalkar started performing Total Knee Replacement in Mumbai and did the pioneering work in Knee Replacement Surgery.
Dr. Rajesh Bawari has 20 years of experience in Orthopedics - including Complex Trauma Surgeries and Reconstructing procedures such as Joint Replacement, Arthroscopic Reconstructive surgeries and Bone Reosteosynthesis, Limb length and Deformity Correction surgeries.
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