
Know the Impact of Diet on Your Health Appropriately

icon-blog By -Dr. Kanika Sharma
icon-blog By -January 11, 2024
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Know the Impact of Diet on Your Health Appropriately

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which impact people in both developed and developing nations, are some of the most common causes of fatalities and disabilities worldwide. Examples of NCDs include cancer, diabetes, obesity, chronic respiratory conditions, heart disease, and cognitive disorders. Even though genes and environmental factors have been shown to increase the risk of NCDs, lifestyle choices can also have a significant impact on someone's exposure to such risk factors.

For instance, your poor food choices can raise the likelihood of developing inflammation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, excessive body weight, and other conditions that increase the probability of having diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. All of these diseases are linked to significant deaths and poor quality of life. In fact, there is a direct correlation between the marked increase in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and growing Westernized global nutritional habits. This is driven by high consumption of processed and fatty animal products, saturated fats, refined grains, salt, and sugars and low consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.

As part of its efforts to reduce behavioral risk factors and prevent diseases, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases boasts measures aimed at addressing poor eating patterns. The other elements of the plan focus on physical inactivity, tobacco use, and excessive smoking and alcohol use. This is because the WHO recognises the significance of diet as a risk factor for various non-communicable diseases.

The World Health Organisation recommends dietary changes such as keeping a healthy weight, balancing energy intake, consuming more unsaturated fats, fruits, and vegetables. It also stresses on reducing intake of saturated/trans fats, sugar, and salt. This altogether helps in elevating mood and energy levels.

When and What to Eat?

Healthy eating habits can be broadly defined as ones that are low at animal-derived proteins, added/refined carbohydrates, and saturated and trans fats and high in foods that promote health, such as foods made from plants, vegetables and fruits that are fresh, antioxidants, soy, nuts, and sources of omega-3 fatty acids. This is based on the comprehension of nutritional requirements and their likely health impacts. Similar patterns are found naturally in some parts of the world and are based on customs and food sources specific to the area, as is the case with traditional diets from Asia and the Mediterranean. 

A healthy diet is one that gives sufficient micronutrients and water to satisfy the physiologic requirements of the body. It also guarantees intake of the correct amounts of macronutrients that satisfy physiological and energetic needs without exceeding the limits. For daily functioning, the macronutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide energy needed for cellular processes. On the other hand, micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) fulfill developmental, metabolic, and physiological needs of the body even in small quantities for healthy body development.

Eating a nutritious diet is equally important to the time of eating. It is necessary to abstain from overeating that involves a few meals in the day. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. On the other hand, between meals, you can have a fiber bar, yogurt, or banana. Eating smaller meals throughout the day will increase your metabolism and keep you lean!

Role of Diet in Improving Your Overall Health Status

Every kind of macro or micronutrient has a crucial function in maintaining the body's well-being. People usually need an appropriate ratio of nutrients for optimal health. These functions are:

1. Carbohydrates

For several bodily tissues, carbohydrates are the most preferred and reliable source of energy. It is also the primary energy source in the brain. Glucose is produced by the body from carbohydrates and enters bloodstream into cells after which it helps them carry out their functions. Carbohydrates play an important role for the purpose of contracting muscles during vigorous exercise.

2. Protein

Protein is made of long chains of molecules known as amino acids. These amino acids are essential for the growth, development, repairing and maintenance of bodily tissues. Protein is also critical for various other biological activities such as the support of immune system, biochemical processes and cell framework and support.

3. Fats

In addition to being a vital component of diet, fats may supply the body fuel. Certain dietary fats are more beneficial than others, but all dietary fats are necessary for the synthesis of hormones, the development of new cells, the storage of energy, and the uptake of vital vitamins.

4. Minerals

Your body needs minerals to remain healthy. Minerals are needed by your body for a variety of functions, such as maintaining healthy bones, muscles, heart, and brain. Hormone production and the synthesis of enzymes both depend on minerals.

The majority of people eat an array of foods to get the necessary minerals they require. Your doctor might suggest a mineral supplement in specific circumstances. Individuals who take certain medications or have certain medical conditions might need to cut the intake of certain minerals from their diet. For example, those who suffer from chronic kidney disease should limit their intake of foods which are high in potassium.

5. Vitamins

Vitamin deficiency may cause health problems that include heart diseases, cancer and poor bone growth. Vitamins A, B6, C D E biotin and niacin are necessary for a healthy body. Vitamin A aids in the development and maintenance of good teeth, bones, and skin. Vitamin B6 aids in the development of red blood cells and sustaining brain activity. Metabolism and maintenance of the central and peripheral nervous systems are among the important jobs carried out by vitamin B12. Vitamin C supports healthy teeth and gums. It promotes absorption of iron and helps in repairing wounds. Vitamin D, synthesized by the body after sun exposure aids in calcium absorption and regulation of blood. Vitamin E contributes to red blood cell formation and vitamin K use, while biotin is necessary for protein metabolism, synthesis of hormones, and cholesterol synthesis. Niacin sustains healthy skin and nerves. Folate, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Thiamine, Choline and Carnitine are also essential for the body’s growth as well as red cell production.

What is the Relationship Between Diet and Mental Health?

Less stress and better mood are two mantras of healthy life. The relationship between contemporary changes, urbanization, globalization, including the food industry, and shifts in people's eating and lifestyle patterns, as well as how these phenomena affect psychological status, is becoming more and more significant. Investigating these relationships may open up new avenues for the development of therapeutic, pharmacological, dietary, and most importantly, preventative interventions.

The connections between eating habits and psychological wellness have attracted a lot of attention lately. In fact, epidemiological studies have shown that following the Mediterranean diet, which consists of eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes; moderate amounts of poultry, eggs, and dairy products; and only little amounts of red meat, is linked to a lower risk of developing depression. Humans frequently experience changes in their appetite or food preferences in accordance with transient psychological states. Examples of these changes include "comfort foods" during depressive episodes or mood swings brought on by stress. A high intake of processed carbohydrates may raise the chance of developing anxiety and depression. This also abstains you from having a better sleep quality.

Microbiome is a term used to describe the trillions of microorganisms that live in the human gut, including bacteria, viruses, and archaea. Through various signaling pathways, the gut microbiota and brain engage in reciprocal interactions. A more modern theory indicates that food may impact our mental health as dietary habits affect the gut microbiome activity. 

How Can I Improve My Diet?

You will gain weight if you consume more food or liquids than your body requires because the extra energy is stored as fat. You will lose weight if you consume too little food and liquids. To ensure that your diet is balanced and that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs, you should also eat a variety of foods. Men should consume approximately 2,500 calories per day. A woman should consume about 2,000 calories per day. Following eight useful suggestions can assist you in making healthier decisions and cover the fundamentals of eating well.

  • Make starchy carbs with more fiber the main component of your meals
  • Consume a lot of fruits and veggies
  • Consume more fish, preferably some oily varieties
  • Reduce your intake of sugar and saturated fat
  • Consume no more than 6 gms of salt per day (for adults)
  • Stay active and maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid getting thirsty. Drink plenty of water
  • Never skip to eat breakfast

What Are the Benefits of Changing Your Diet?

Following are the benefits of changing your diet to healthier one:

  • Promotes life longevity by nourishing your body cells and enhancing their turnover rate
  • Enhances skin, teeth, and eyes health
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Enhances immune functioning
  • Increases bone density and makes them stronger
  • Lowers the risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers by improving the cell functioning
  • Meets increased nutritional requirements during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Improves digestive system functioning
  • Helps in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight


Being disease-free and in good health is only one aspect of staying healthy; additional criteria include feeling well and being able to exercise without difficulty. A balanced diet is necessary for the body to perform at its best and to ward off certain illnesses. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, and whole grains is essential for providing your body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly. Therefore, as long as you include a wide range of foods in your diet, you can take pleasure in a nutritious diet.

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