
Choose Heart-Healthy Foods for Your Best Health

icon-blog By -Dr. Kanika Sharma
icon-blog By -January 20, 2024
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Choose Heart-Healthy Foods for Your Best Health

Heart diseases stand as the primary cause of death particularly in Western nations, accounting for nearly 30% of global fatalities. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 75% of premature heart disorders are preventable through mitigating risk factors. With an increasing prevalence due to improved treatment modalities that enhance survival, aging population and costs of chronic medical care is rising. Seeing the prevailing situation, primary prevention of heart diseases becomes crucial. 

Research supports the efficacy of adopting healthy dietary patterns and lifestyles in preventing heart diseases to a great extent. The escalating incidence of cardiovascular diseases over the past 25 years underscores the urgency of prioritizing lifestyle interventions for prevention. Scientific evidence indicates that Western dietary habits, in contrast to healthier options like the Mediterranean diet (MeDiet), lead to an overproduction of inflammation causing agents and a diminished synthesis of anti-inflammatory agents. 

While medical advancements persist, the mortality rate for cardiovascular disease has reached a plateau and seems to be on an upward trend. Unhealthy diets contribute significantly to obesity and type 2 diabetes, major contributors to fatalities and disabilities related to heart disorders. Dietary modification is pivotal in heart protection, and nutrition counseling plays a central role in primary and secondary prevention of high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attacks. 

Recognizing the importance of personalized counseling based on patients' conditions, health literacy, and financial constraints, doctors should be well-versed in the scientific evidence supporting healthy dietary recommendations. Nutrition science emphasizes a diet rich in non starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and limited to moderate consumption of nuts, seafood, lean meats, low-fat dairy, and vegetable oil. Conversely, trans-fats, saturated fats, sodium, red meat, refined carbohydrates, and sugar-sweetened beverages should be minimized or avoided. Focus should be on the potential benefits of specific nutrient intake to prevent deficiencies that could lead to atherosclerotic disease. 

Due to the obesity epidemic's impact on longevity and quality of life due to heart diseases, dietary counseling has become increasingly crucial for improving heart health outcomes. Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all diet, doctors should employ shared decision-making strategies to identify healthy and sustainable alternatives tailored to individual adherence. Evidence-based diets like DASH, Mediterranean, and vegetarian should be considered, and a team-based approach involving nurses and dieticians is recommended for effective dietary intervention. For patients facing socioeconomic or cultural barriers, careful consideration should be given to identifying economically and logistically feasible dietary changes.

What are the foods that prevent heart attack? There's no shortage of heart-healthy food suggestions. However, recommendations from different studies can conflict with one another. It is widely acknowledged that food choices have a huge impact on heart attack risk. To help prevent heart attack, take a look down in the article to explore the best diet for heart health diseases.

List of Foods that Prevent Heart Attack

Here is the list of food for healthy heart:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants commonly include leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, collard greens, among others. These are among the best foods for heart health. Specifically, they are an excellent source of vitamin K, which supports healthy blood clotting and artery protection.

They also contain a lot of dietary nitrates, which have been scientifically demonstrated to lower blood pressure, soften arterial walls, and enhance the health of the blood vessel lining cells. Compared to other fruits and vegetables, the American Heart Association (AHA) reports that a higher intake of leafy green vegetables was linked to more substantial benefits to heart health and a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Whole Grains

All the three parts of the grain i.e. germ, endosperm, and bran are nutritionally-rich. Examples of whole grains include whole wheat, brown rice, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, and quinoa. Unlike refined carbohydrates, which elevate the risk of coronary heart disease, whole grains offer protection. Consuming 1 or 2 daily servings of these foods can lower the risk of heart diseases by approximately 10 to 20%. Numerous studies support the cardiovascular benefits of incorporating more whole grains into your diet. The American Heart Association (AHA) advocates for the daily consumption of whole grains over refined grains, as it can significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, and metabolic syndrome. Following a diet rich in plant-based foods, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and maintaining sodium intake within recommended limits is recommended for the prevention and management of high blood pressure.

3. Berries

Nutrient-dense raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are essential for heart health. Berries are also rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins which help guard the body against oxidative stress and inflammation, two factors that promote heart disease. It improves vascular functioning, normalizes blood pressure and optimizes clotting. Research indicates that berries can help improve blood vessel health and decrease oxidative stress and inflammation among individuals with metabolic syndrome.

4. Avocados

Monounsaturated fats that have been linked with lower blood cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease are healthy fats for the heart. These fats are abundantly present in avocados. According to research, avocados may help to:

  • Lower the bad cholesterol levels
  • Improve blood vessel function

Avocados have a high potassium content, which is beneficial for heart health and can lower blood pressure. An adult male's daily adequate intake of potassium is approximately 21%, and one serving (150 grammes) of avocado provides 725 milligrammes of this mineral.

5. Fish Oil and Fatty Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, salmon, and sardines, have been thoroughly researched for their potential heart-health perks. Fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids could safeguard against cardiovascular disease and may also slightly lower the risk of rhythm disturbances in heart and CVD events. Long-term fish consumption may help to maintain reduced levels of:

  • Triglycerides in blood and total cholesterol
  • Fasting blood sugar fasting
  • Blood pressure
  • Eating fish is linked to a decreased risk of mortality, depression, and heart disorders

If you're not a seafood eater, you can still get your recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids by using fish oil. Supplementing with fish oil may lower the rates of sudden death, cardiac death, stroke and all-cause mortality.

6. Walnuts

Fiber and micronutrients such as copper, manganese, and magnesium are abundant in walnuts. According to research, eating a couple of servings of walnuts each day can help lower your risk of heart disease. There is compelling evidence that certain tree nut varieties, especially walnuts, can prevent cardiovascular disease.

Diets supplemented with walnuts may decrease bad cholesterol as well as total cholesterol. It's interesting to note that regular consumption of nuts, like walnuts, has been linked to a reduced likelihood of heart disease in certain studies.

7. Beans

Beans consist of resistant starch, which hinders digestion and undergoes fermentation by the beneficial bacteria in the gut. It's possible that resistant starch will have a beneficial effect on the gut and some of the microbiota that live there. Eating beans has also been shown in numerous studies to lower certain heart disease risk factors. Eating beans and legumes can lower blood pressure, improve glycemic control, lower LDL cholesterol, and possibly lower the risk of heart disease, particularly in those with diabetes, according to one study.

8. Dark Chocolate

Antioxidants like flavonoids, which are abundant in dark chocolate, have been shown to improve heart health. Less than six servings of chocolate per week can help lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Keep in mind that even while some studies indicate a correlation, they might not take into consideration additional variables. Furthermore, chocolate may contain high levels of calories and sugar, which counteracts many of its health-promoting qualities. To maximize the heart-healthy effects of dark chocolate, choose a premium variety with a minimum 70% cocoa content and consume it in moderation.

9. Tomatoes

Lycopene, a naturally occurring plant pigment with potent antioxidant qualities, is abundant in tomatoes. By scavenging dangerous free radicals, antioxidants help avoid oxidative damage and inflammation, two conditions that can worsen heart disease. An increased risk of heart attack and stroke has been associated with inadequate levels of lycopene. 

10. Almonds

Almonds are very beneficial and rich in vitamins and minerals which help the heart to function properly. In addition, they are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber. These two nutrients help in preventing heart disease. It is said that eating almonds improves the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. This helps to effectively maintain the healthiness of your artery walls by preventing plaque formation.

Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to heart health, what is the best vegetable?

Green leafy vegetables, beans, and tomatoes are the best vegetables for your heart.

What dry foods help in the prevention of heart disease?

Walnuts and almonds are the best dry fruits to prevent heart diseases.

Can almonds help in enhancing my heart health?

Yes. Almonds are very beneficial and rich in vitamins and minerals which help the heart to function properly. In addition, they are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber. 

What is the best fruit for cardiovascular health?

Avocados are the best fruit for heart health.

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