
Proton Beam Therapy in Chennai

Avg Price: $ 35000-$ 60000

Proton Beam Therapy, referred to as Proton Therapy, is a radiation-based treatment that accurately administers a stream of protons to interrupt and eliminate cancerous cells...
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Proton Beam Therapy

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95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries


Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) has been on the rise across a range of cancer treatment types due to its remarkable physical attributes and superior dosimetric properties. In the twenty years following the inception of Proton Beam Therapy, multiple proton treatment centres sprouted around the globe. Up to this point in time, PBT has been employed in clinical contexts for roughly six decades, offering its advantages to ten thousands of patients with varying cancer types.

Despite being a developing country, India is rapidly evolving into a prime destination for cancer care. Specifically, Indian medical facilities have been advancing in the realm of cancer treatment, including the domain of Proton Therapy. Consequently, the process of locating the best doctor for proton beam therapy and the best hospital for proton beam therapy is becoming increasingly accessible and budget-friendly with each passing year.

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Role of Proton Beam Therapy in Cancer Treatment

Proton Beam Therapy represents the most recent advancement in radiation therapy, showcasing notable efficacy in healing, especially among young patients and children for Cancer treatment. The mechanism of action of Proton Beam Therapy involves interfering with the DNA of the tumour and eradicating its cells.

Over the recent years, the employment of PBT for patient treatment has been progressively rising on a global scale. This precise targeting capability of proton therapy provides several additional advantages:

  • Safeguarding crucial neurological functions like speech or memory when dealing with tumours in proximity to these functional areas.
  • Decreasing radiation exposure to vital organs such as the heart and lungs during the treatment of breast or spinal cancers.
  • Mitigating risks for paediatric cancer patients, who frequently endure long-term side effects from toxic cancer therapies. 
  • Aiding in the prevention of excessive radiation to areas that have previously undergone radiation, particularly if a tumour recurs near or within its original site.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that PBT comes with a higher price tag in comparison to the conventional X-ray therapy. Nonetheless, this increased expense could potentially be justified by the improved quality of life for patients and the reduction in costs tied to managing delayed adverse effects stemming from radiation treatment.

Pre-Evaluation for Proton Beam Therapy

Proton beam therapy necessitates meticulous preparation to ensure accurate targeting of the proton beam and precise delivery of the intended radiation dose. Numerous distinct experts contribute to the planning and execution of proton therapy, such as radiation oncologists, nurses, dosimetrists, physicians, and radiation therapists.

The pre-evaluation process typically spans several weeks and encompasses the following steps:

  • Imaging: Diagnostic tests like CT scans or MRIs are conducted to validate the tumour's location and dimensions. Using these scans, the radiation oncologist pinpoints the tumour's precise shape and size, along with crucial adjacent organs and tissues. This data is then fed into a computer to create a detailed map.
  • Simulation: The imaging data assists in positioning your body accurately for the treatment. The medical team might mark your body to guide the proton beam's direction. These markings are usually temporary, though some could be permanent. Once the optimal position is established, a team member will design immobilization tools to help you maintain this position during each treatment session. If the head or neck area is under treatment, a custom-fitted mesh mask is created to secure your head in place. This mask allows you to see and breathe comfortably.
  • Dose Planning: The radiation oncologist determines the precise radiation dosage to administer to the target area. Dosimetrists utilize specialized computer software to strategize the optimal way to deliver this dosage, decide on the beam's alignment, and calculate how deeply within the body the beam should penetrate.
  • Quality Assurance: Physicists conduct a thorough quality assurance assessment to ensure that the Proton Beam can be generated with exact precision regarding the dosage, penetration depth, and angles required for the treatment.

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How is Proton Beam Therapy done?

Proton Beam Therapy is an outpatient procedure conducted within a specialized facility. Most patients undergo treatment across multiple sessions, with varying durations. The proton therapy occurs within a dedicated room outfitted with a sizable mechanical arm, referred to as a gantry. This gantry is responsible for manoeuvring the proton beam around you while you remain positioned on a table. Throughout a proton therapy session:

  • Your medical team will position you on the treatment table according to the established position from the simulation phase. They will utilize positioning aids like a body mold or a mask to keep your body and head stable.
  • The Radiation Oncologist will align the gantry so that the Proton Beam coincides with the markings on your skin indicating the tumour's location. Unlike an MRI machine, the gantry is not a confined space, alleviating any claustrophobic feelings during treatment, though you will need to remain very still.
  • An X-ray or another imaging scan will be taken to verify your accurate positioning and alignment.
  • Radiation therapists will exit the room to operate the Proton Beam apparatus. A video camera allows the therapist to observe and hear you, ensuring you are not alone.
  • Once the apparatus is activated, a particle accelerator in a separate room accelerates protons and directs them to the gantry within the treatment room. The gantry focuses these protons into a fine beam and directs them toward the Tumour. It might move around your body to target the tumour from different angles.
  • The Proton Beam may be turned on and off intermittently during treatment, adjusting its position as it shifts due to your breathing. While you won't feel the proton beam entering your body or treating the tumour, you might hear clicking sounds as the machine repositions around you.

Complications of Proton Beam Therapy

The complications of Proton Therapy resemble those associated with conventional radiation therapy. These effects may manifest gradually after treatment and encompass:

  •  Sensitivity and redness of the skin at the point of entry for the proton beam, akin to sunburn in appearance and sensation
  •  Hair loss within the treated region
  •  Fatigue or reduced energy levels
  •  Depending on the treated area, further side effects might emerge, including headaches and difficulties with eating and digestion

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After your treatment session is finished, you can resume your regular daily activities without emitting radiation or being radioactive. The complications of proton beam therapy (PBT) typically manifest gradually. Initially, you might encounter only minor side effects. However, as you undergo multiple treatments, you might start experiencing fatigue. This fatigue might give you the sensation that your usual activities require more energy or that you have reduced energy for your everyday tasks.

Additionally, you might observe skin redness similar to a sunburn in the specific area where the proton beams are targeted. Your doctor may advice you to restrain exposing yourself to direct sunlight and protect the treated area. Use sunblock, clothing, or other measures recommended by your medical team to prevent further skin irritation. Around four to six weeks after you finish your entire course of proton therapy sessions, you'll have your initial post-treatment meeting with your doctor. During this appointment, the doctor will conduct a physical examination, assess your advancements, go over any test outcomes, and address any inquiries you might have.

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Life after Proton Beam Therapy

Life after Proton Beam Therapy can vary depending on the individual, the type of cancer being treated, the overall health of the patient, and the specifics of the treatment. Proton Therapy had a comparatively lesser impact on individuals' capacity to carry out everyday tasks such as household chores when compared to conventional radiation. However, in few cases there can be delayed complications that may emerge months or even years after the completion of treatment. Depending on the treated region, delayed side effects might encompass:

  • Impaired fertility.
  • Lymphedema.
  • Alterations in the brain and spinal cord.

Success Rate of Proton Beam Therapy

The success rate of Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) can vary depending on several factors. However, the benefits of proton therapy for paediatric patients seems to minimize the probability of delayed negative effects and can also mitigate the risk of secondary cancers. This is supported by comparisons of the radiation dose distribution between PBT and photon radiotherapy, which demonstrate a reduced exposure of normal tissue to radiation in PBT. A recent study revealed that survivors of retinoblastoma (a kind of eye cancer) treated with PBT had notably lower 10-year cumulative rates of secondary tumours compared to those treated with photon therapy, both for tumours within the treated area (0% vs. 14%) and for all secondary malignancies (5% vs. 14%).

Proton Beam Therapy stands as a viable treatment option for older patients also dealing with lung cancer. A study indicates that the 3-year survival rate encompassed 67.2% (90.0% for patients with Lung Cancer amenable to surgery, and 58.2% for those with inoperable Lung Cancer) with PBT. Additionally, the 3-year rate of maintaining local control with PBT reached 86.5%.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Proton Beam Therapy

The cost of Proton Beam Therapy in India is notably more budget-friendly when contrasted with rates in other nations. Furthermore, the medical care and services provided are on par with those furnished by some of the world's most renowned medical institutions. Even when accounting for accommodations, meals, and travel costs, the cost of proton beam therapy in India varies between approximately $33,000 and $65,000. In comparison, a series of radiosurgery treatments typically amounts to around $8,000 to $12,000, while intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) comes to about $15,000.

Factors Affecting Cost of Proton Beam Therapy

The cost of Proton Beam Therapy in India can fluctuate based on various factors, including:

  • Pre-surgery costs including diagnostic cost
  • Treatment type
  • Location and severity of cancer
  • Approach utilized
  • Qualifications of the medical practitioner
  • Procedure cost that includes fees of the specialists, Anaesthesia, and Hospital room charges
  • Preferred hospital and location
  • Availability of specialized facilities and equipment
  • Rehabilitation

Cost of Diagnostics for Proton Beam Therapy

The expenses associated with diagnosing proton beam therapy might encompass several preliminary assessments and examinations performed prior to the primary treatment. These supplementary costs cover diagnostic procedures like X-rays, CT (computed tomography) scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, PET (positron emission tomography) scan, biopsies, and other diagnostic evaluations. The overall costs for these tests can range from INR 50,000 to INR 10,00,000.

Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is dedicated to ensuring that your medical journey goes as smoothly and successfully as possible.

  • Individualized Guidance: Personalized guidance throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a broad network of prominent hospitals, top doctors, and skilled surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A full breakdown of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and offers you cost-effective solutions.
  • MedFlick provides everything from travel arrangements to hotel and visa help to lodging.
  • Multilingual Support: Breaking down language barriers to allow patients and medical professionals to communicate more effectively.
  • The road to a successful cancer treatment like proton beam therapy is long and winding, full of hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future. With MedFlick as your guide, navigating this life-changing adventure becomes simple and liberating.


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Frequently asked questions

What sets Proton Therapy apart from Conventional Radiation Therapy?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi offer treatment for Breast Cancer?
How far is Apollo Proton, Chennai from the nearest airport?
Does Fortis Gurugram offer an Air Ambulance Facility?
What is the duration of adverse effects caused by Proton Therapy?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi have a pharmacy?
Does Apollo Proton, Chennai offer an online doctor consultation facility?
Is Fortis Gurugram NABH accredited?
What is the duration of Fatigue after treatment?
What facilities are available in Apollo Hospital Delhi Platinum Lounge?
What type of cancer treatment facilities are offered at Apollo Proton, Chennai?
Which Metro Station is closest to Fortis Gurugram?
How effective is Proton Beam Therapy?
Are there any disadvantages to Proton Therapy?
Does Proton Beam Therapy result in Pain?
Is Proton Therapy advantageous for Paediatric Cancer patients?
Is it possible to combine Proton Therapy with other Cancer treatments?
What is the typical number of sessions needed to finish a course of Proton Therapy?
Is Proton Therapy endorsed by the FDA?