
Lung Cancer in Chennai

Avg Price: $ 5500-$ 22000

Lung Cancer is a complicated illness characterised by uncontrolled cell proliferation in lung tissues. It is a major worldwide health issue that causes significant morbidity...
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Lung Cancer

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Lung Cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the lungs and mostly affects the cells that line the airways. It is one of the most frequent and lethal types of cancer in the world. If not discovered and treated early, the condition is characterised by uncontrolled cell proliferation in lung tissues, which can eventually develop tumours and spread to other regions of the body.

The frequency of lung cancer is a major concern worldwide, having a considerable influence on public health. Lung Cancer is one of the major causes of cancer-related mortality, according to data from reputable organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

Lung Cancer accounts for a considerable proportion of cancer cases worldwide. There were approximately 2.21 million new cases of lung cancer, accounting for 11.4% of all cancer diagnoses.

Lung Cancer is infamous for having a high fatality rate. It is responsible for about 1.8 million fatalities, accounting for a startling 18% of all cancer-related deaths worldwide.

Smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer and it is estimated that smoking causes approximately 85% of lung cancer cases and the risk increases with smoking length and intensity.

Over the last several decades, the landscape of lung cancer treatment in India has seen substantial developments led by medical innovations. In the country, the pursuit of creative solutions has resulted in a more comprehensive and cost-effective approach to lung cancer treatment.

The rising incidence of Lung Cancer in India has prompted the construction of specialised lung cancer treatment centres throughout the country. The Lung Cancer treatment arsenal currently includes a variety of modalities. In India, Surgical Techniques, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Targeted Therapy, and Hormone Therapy have all become standard treatments for lung cancer. This multimodal approach enables the best doctor for lung cancer treatment in India to tailor treatment programs to each patient's specific needs, considerably improving treatment outcomes.

The emphasis on multidisciplinary teamwork, tailored treatment options, and public awareness campaigns has the potential to reduce lung cancer's burden in India. The nation is working towards improved lung cancer outcomes and a healthier future for its population by harnessing innovations, focusing on early detection, and addressing core causes.

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Treatment of Lung Cancer in India

Lung Cancer Treatment in India is interdisciplinary and thorough, comprising multiple modalities adapted to the patient's unique condition and demands. The treatment path is divided into stages, each with the goal of optimising therapeutic outcomes and improving the patient's quality of life.

Staging and Diagnosis:

The treatment method begins with a precise diagnosis and staging. A mix of imaging tests (CT scans, PET scans, MRI), biopsies, and pathology assessments are used to evaluate the type, size, location, and amount of dissemination of the malignancy.

Consultation across Disciplines:

A group of medical experts, including thoracic surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists, assess the patient's situation jointly. Their combined experience ensures a full evaluation and therapy formulation plan.

Treatment Planning

The medical team develops a personalised treatment plan based on the diagnostic and staging results. This strategy may include one or more of the following treatment modalities:

  • Surgery: For early-stage lung cancer, surgical excision of the tumour is frequently contemplated. Procedures such as lobectomy (removal of a lobe), pneumonectomy (removal of the entire lung), or wedge resection (removal of a small segment of the lung) may be performed depending on the location and size of the tumour.
  • Chemotherapy: It is the use of powerful drugs to destroy or slow the growth of cancer cells. It can be given before (neoadjuvant), after (adjuvant), or as a single treatment for advanced stages.
  • Radiation Therapy: High-energy rays are used in radiation therapy to target and destroy cancer cells. Depending on the circumstances, it can be delivered externally (external beam radiation) or internally (brachytherapy).
  • Targeted Therapy: If specific genetic alterations in cancer cells are found, targeted therapy medications may be provided. These medications are intended to limit the proliferation of cancer cells that have such mutations.
  • Immunotherapy: It boosts the body's immunological response against cancer cells. Immune modulators and checkpoint inhibitors are used to improve the immune system's ability to recognize and fight cancer cells.
  • Palliative Care: Palliative care focuses on symptom relief, quality of life improvement, and emotional support. It is an essential part of the therapeutic procedure, particularly in advanced cases.

Treatment Administration:

Treatment sessions are carried out in accordance with the treatment plan, treatment frequency, duration, and sequence.

  • Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: The patient's development is constantly monitored during the therapy process using imaging scans, blood tests, and consultations. Adjustments to the treatment plan may be changed based on the patient's reaction and any potential side effects.
  • Emotional and psychological well-being are critical during the treatment process. To address the patient's holistic requirements, supportive care services such as counselling, support groups, and pain treatment are combined.
  • Survivorship and Follow-Up: After completing the primary therapy, the patient is scheduled for regular follow-up visits to check his or her recovery and ensure the cancer remains in remission. These visits also allow you to address any long-term negative effects.

Participation in clinical trials investigating new treatment alternatives may be considered, particularly for patients with advanced or tough cases.

Lung Cancer Treatment in India is a complete and well-organised process. The integration of diverse modalities, in conjunction with supporting care services, strives to improve patient outcomes, improve quality of life, and ensure a well-rounded approach to their rehabilitation path.


A detailed pre-evaluation process is required before commencing a lung cancer treatment journey in order to select the best treatment for planned lung cancer for each individual patient. This complete evaluation consists of a series of examinations, tests, and consultations that provide critical information about the patient's overall health, the degree of the malignancy, and prospective treatment options.

  • Medical History Review: The pre-evaluation procedure begins with a thorough examination of the patient's medical history. This includes a thorough examination of the patient's previous medical ailments, cancer family history, lifestyle variables (such as smoking history), and any pre-existing health disorders. Knowing the patient's medical history allows the medical staff to personalise the treatment approach to their individual needs.
  • Physical Exam: A complete physical exam is performed to examine the patient's overall health. The doctor examines the patient's lungs, chest, and lymph nodes for any abnormalities, such as symptoms of metastases or consequences.
  • Imaging Studies: Imaging studies are critical in determining the extent and stage of lung cancer. These are some examples:
  • CT Scan: A computed tomography scan offers detailed cross-sectional images of the lungs, which can be used to determine tumour size, location, and spread.
  • PET Scan: Positron emission tomography scans detect areas of elevated metabolic activity, assisting in the identification of possible cancer spread sites.
  • MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide valuable information, particularly when analysing tumour proximity to important structures.
  • Pathology and Biopsy: A biopsy is frequently required to confirm the diagnosis and define the kind of lung cancer. Tissue Samples are taken using a variety of techniques, including bronchoscopy, needle biopsy, and surgical biopsy. Pathology study of the tissue aids in determining the histological type of cancer as well as genetic alterations, which are critical for targeted therapy decisions.
  • Pulmonary Function Tests: These tests evaluate lung function and capacity, which is important in assessing whether a patient can tolerate certain treatments such as surgery or radiation therapy. They assess lung volume, airflow, and gas exchange efficiency, among other things.
  • Genetic Testing: Recent advances in genetic testing have shown to be critical in identifying specific genetic alterations within cancer cells. This data informs therapy decisions, particularly for targeted medicines that aim to suppress specific mutations.
  • Multidisciplinary Team Consultation: A collaborative approach including a variety of professionals, like thoracic surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists is a must to determine the most effective treatment strategy. Their combined knowledge ensures a thorough assessment and individualised treatment approach.
  • Patient Preferences and Goals: Understanding the patient's preferences, lifestyle, and treatment goals is critical. The medical team considers the patient's input while developing the treatment plan because it has a large influence on the decision-making process.
  • Psychological and Emotional Assessment: A lung cancer diagnosis can be emotionally draining. Assessing the patient's psychological well-being is critical, and supportive care services are frequently incorporated into treatment plans to meet emotional requirements.
  • Clinical Trial Eligibility: In some situations, patients may be qualified to participate in clinical studies investigating novel therapeutic options. These experiments are thoroughly examined in order to identify if they are appropriate for the patient's condition and goals.

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Symptoms and Causes of Lung Cancer

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer:

Lung Cancer symptoms vary depending on the stage and kind of cancer, however, some common warning signs to look out for are:

  • Persistent Cough: A long-term cough that produces blood or rust-coloured phlegm.
  • Shortness of breath: Breathlessness, wheezing, or a sense of not receiving enough air are all symptoms of a lack of oxygen.
  • Chest Pain: Unexplained chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply, laugh, or cough.
  • Hoarseness: Voice changes, such as hoarseness, may indicate lung cancer.
  • Sudden and unexplained weight loss: It can be an indication of a variety of malignancies, including lung cancer.
  • Fatigue: It is defined as persistent tiredness and weakness that does not improve with rest.
  • Repeated respiratory infections: These such as bronchitis or pneumonia, are examples of frequent illnesses.
  • Bone Pain: If the cancer spreads to the skeletal system, pain in the bones may arise.

Causes Of Lung Cancer

  • Smoking: The major cause of lung cancer is smoking, particularly long-term and heavy smoking. It exposes the lungs to carcinogens, increasing the likelihood of lung cell mutations.
  • Second-hand Cigarette Smoke: Second-hand smoke, commonly known as passive smoking, can raise the risk of lung cancer.
  • Radon: Prolonged exposure to radon, a radioactive gas that can infiltrate into buildings, is a major risk factor.
  • Environmental Factors: Workplace exposure to toxins such as Asbestos, Arsenic, and certain chemicals can increase the risk.
  • Genetic Factors: Some genetic alterations and a family history of lung cancer can increase an individuals susceptibility.
  • Air pollution: Long-term exposure to high levels of air pollution and environmental pollutants can be a contributor.


While lung cancer treatment is intended to be effective, it is crucial to recognize that different treatment approaches can result in potential problems. Complications can differ depending on the type of treatment, the patient's overall health, and the stage of cancer. It is critical that patients and healthcare professionals are aware of these possible issues and collaborate to properly manage and reduce them.

Surgery Complications:

Lung Cancer surgical techniques, such as lobectomy or pneumonectomy, have inherent risks, which include:

Infection: Infected surgical sites can cause fever, discomfort, and delayed healing.

Bleeding: Post-operative bleeding at surgical sites may necessitate intervention.

Breathing Difficulties: Lung capacity may be compromised, resulting in shortness of breath and decreased lung function.

Pneumonia: The loss of function and immobility following surgery can raise the risk of pneumonia.

Complications of Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy is designed to target fast-dividing cells, such as cancer cells, however, it can also harm healthy cells, resulting in:

  • Nausea and Vomiting are common adverse effects that can be controlled with nausea medicines.
  • Patients frequently report significant weariness during and after treatment.
  • Chemotherapy can inhibit bone marrow, resulting in low red, white, and platelet counts, raising the risk of anaemia, infection, and bleeding.
  • Chemotherapy might result in temporary hair loss.

Complications of Radiation Therapy:

Radiation Therapy can have a variety of adverse effects, ranging from moderate to severe:

  • Radiation Pneumonitis is an inflammation of the lungs that causes coughing, fever, and shortness of breath.
  • The oesophagus is inflamed, producing pain and trouble swallowing.
  • The treated skin may become red, dry, and itchy.
  • Radiation therapy can cause weariness as well.

Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy Complications:

Specific side effects of Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy include:

  • Skin Rash: Targeted treatment medications can induce skin rashes and pigmentation changes.
  • Flu-like Symptoms: Immunotherapy can cause flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, and exhaustion.
  • Immunotherapy can boost the immune system, resulting in autoimmune reactions affecting multiple organs.

Palliative Care Side Effects:

Palliative Care is concerned with symptom control and comfort. Some of the side effects are as follows:

  • Constipation can be caused by pain medicines used in palliative care.
  • Fatigue can be caused by underlying illness and therapies as well as a lack of strength.
  • Emotional Distress: Coping with a major disease can be difficult emotionally.

Complications from Lung Cancer treatment are a reality that patients and healthcare providers must address head-on. Open communication, thorough monitoring, and customised management techniques are critical to reducing the burden of these problems and providing the best possible outcomes for patients.

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Post-procedure and Life after Lung cancer treatment

Life after Lung Cancer treatment is a tremendous achievement, but it also comes with its own set of obstacles and changes. To maintain the highest possible quality of life, post-procedure care and moving into a new phase of life necessitate careful planning, support, and ongoing supervision.

After Lung Cancer Treatment, whether Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, or a combination of these, a time of recovery is required. Close monitoring of physical and emotional well-being is required as the body heals from the effects of treatment.

  • Appointments for Additional Consultation: Regular check-ins with the medical team are essential for tracking healing progress, addressing any side effects or difficulties, and ensuring that the cancer is in remission. Imaging tests, blood testing, and conversations may be included in these appointments regarding any complaints or adjustments.
  • Managing Treatment Adverse Effects: Some treatment adverse effects may persist long after the treatment has ended. Managing these side effects, such as fatigue, pain, or changes in lung function, necessitates constant discussion with healthcare specialists.
  • Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle is critical to improving overall well-being after therapy. This includes the following:
  • Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, healthy grains, and lean proteins.
  • Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, lung function, and overall fitness.
  • Quitting smoking is critical for persons who have smoked before in order to lower the chance of cancer recurrence and enhance lung health.
  • Coping with Emotions: The emotional journey that follows treatment can be complicated. Anxiety, depression and concern about recurrence are prevalent. Individuals can cope with these emotions by seeking help from mental health specialists, support groups, or counselling programs.
  • Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy: It may be necessary depending on the depth of treatment and the patient's physical state to regain strength, mobility, and lung capacity.
  • Monitoring and Survivorship Programs: Some medical centres provide survivorship programs that include long-term care advice, symptom management, and resources for ongoing support.
  • Resuming Activities: Returning to daily activities, work, and hobbies should be done gradually, taking physical restrictions and energy levels into account. It is critical to strike a balance between sticking to a regimen and allowing oneself to rest.

Interaction with the Medical Team:

Following treatment, open contact with the medical staff is critical. Discuss any concerns, changes in health, or lasting side effects immediately to ensure quick intervention and proper management.

  • Regular Health Check-ups: Even after successful treatment, routine health check-ups are essential for monitoring overall health and detecting any problems early.
  • Emotional Health: It is critical to cultivate emotional well-being. Engage in enjoyable activities, communicate with loved ones, and consider obtaining professional counselling if necessary.
  • Achieving Milestones: Recognize and celebrate post-treatment achievements. Every step forward is an accomplishment worth celebrating.

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Success Rate of Lung Cancer Treatment

Five-Year Survival Rate: In India, the five-year survival rate for Lung Cancer varies depending on the stage of Diagnosis:

  • Early stage (Stage I): The survival rate of 60-80%.
  • Locally advanced (Stage II and III): The survival rate of 25-40%.
  • Advanced (Stage IV): 5-15% chance of survival.

Impact of Treatment Advances on Survival:

The landscape of Lung Cancer treatment is changing due to advances in targeted treatments, immunotherapies, and tailored treatment strategies. Newer treatments for advanced Lung Cancer have shown encouraging outcomes in terms of extending survival and enhancing the quality of life.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Lung Cancer Treatment

Cost of Lung Cancer Treatment in India (INR) based on location of treatment facility in India:

Indian Cities


Chemotherapy (per cycle)

Radiation Therapy

Targeted Therapy (per month)

Immunotherapy (per dose)


$ 3606- $ 9618

$ 601-$ 1803

$ 3005-$ 7213

$ 961-$ 2404

$ 841-$ 1803


$ 3005- $ 9017

$ 54103-$ 1683

$ 240458- $ 5500

$ 90172- $ 2164

$ 78149-$ 1683


$ 3246- $ 8656

$ 577-$ 1623

$ 2645-$ 6973

$ 1021- $ 2524

$ 901-$ 1803


$ 2885- $ 7814

$ 504-$ 1502

$ 2524-$ 6251

$ 841-$ 2284

$ 721-$ 1442


$ 2645- $ 7213

$ 480-$ 1442

$ 2404-$ 6011

$ 841-$ 1923

$ 781-$ 1562


Cost of Lung Cancer Treatment (in USD) in comparison to other countries:



Chemotherapy (per cycle):

Radiation Therapy

Targeted Therapy (per month):

Immunotherapy (per dose):

United States

$50,000 - $150,000

$10,000 - $20,000


$30,000 - $80,000

$2,000 - $5,000

$1,500 - $3,000

United Kingdom

$41,000 - $123,000

$8,200 - $20,500

$20,500 - $54,500

$1,100 - $2,700

$960 - $2,050


$48,000 - $112,000

$9,600 - $20,000

$20,000 - $56,000

$1,200 - $2,800

$960 - $2,000


 $51,000 - $146,000

$11,000 - $22,000

$22,000 - $58,000

$1,460 - $3,660

 $1,310 - $2,550


$51,800 - $133,500

$11,100 - $25,900

$22,200 - $59,300

$1,480 - $3,700

$1,330 - $2,590

Factors affecting Cost

A number of factors can influence the cost of Lung Cancer treatment in India, including:

  • Cancer Stage: The stage of lung cancer has a substantial impact on treatment options and expenses. More intensive therapies may be required in advanced stages, resulting in increased expenditures.
  • Treatment Modality: The costs of various treatment modalities vary. The costs of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy also vary.
  • Hospital and Facility: The selection of a hospital and medical facility is critical. Because of better amenities and innovative technologies, premium hospitals frequently charge more fees.
  • Geographic Location: Treatment costs in India can vary depending on the city or region. Costs in metropolitan locations may be higher than in smaller communities.
  • Medical Team Expertise: A team of doctors, surgeons, and oncologists can have an impact on prices. Professionals with extensive experience may demand a greater cost.
  • Medications and Equipment: The cost of medications, diagnostic tests, imaging investigations, and medical equipment can all add up to a significant portion of the entire treatment cost.
  • Additional Services: Palliative Care, rehabilitation, and psychiatric counselling can all contribute to the overall cost.

Cost of Diagnostics for Lung Cancer Treatment

Diagnostic Tests are essential in Lung Cancer Therapy planning. In India, the following are the projected cost for typical.

Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic Procedure Cost
Biopsy USD 429 to USD 500
Endoscopy USD 19 to USD 386
X-Ray USD 10 to USD 25
PET Scan USD 193 to USD 800
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) of the lymph nodes USD 10 to USD 32
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan USD 26- USD 321
Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan USD 26 to USD 400


Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is committed to making your medical journey as easy and successful as possible.

  • Individualized Counselling: Individualized counselling throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a large network of prestigious hospitals, leading doctors, and competent surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A comprehensive analysis of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and provides you with cost-effective options.
  • MedFlick can help with anything from travel preparations to hotel and visa assistance to housing.
  • Breaking down language barriers so that patients and medical personnel can communicate more effectively.

The path to successful Lung Cancer treatment is long and convoluted, but it is full of hope, perseverance, and the promise of a better future. Navigating this life-changing trip becomes straightforward and easy with MedFlick as your guide.

Seeking treatment for Lung Cancer in India provides a variety of options and expertise to help you on your path to recovery. Remember that early detection and a positive attitude can make a big difference. Always seek personalised advice and care from the best lung cancer specialist in India.


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Frequently asked questions

What exactly is Lung Cancer?
What exactly is Lung Cancer?
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What are some of the most prevalent signs of Lung Cancer?
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Is Fortis Gurugram NABH accredited?
How is Lung Cancer identified?
How is Lung Cancer identified?
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What are the Lung Cancer Treatment options?
What are the Lung Cancer treatment options?
Is Lung Cancer curable?
Is Lung Cancer curable?
Is Lung Cancer treatment in India expensive?
Is Lung Cancer treatment in India expensive?
What is the chance of survival for Lung Cancer?
What is the chance of survival for Lung Cancer?
Are there any support services available for Lung Cancer patients?
Are there any support services available for Lung Cancer patients?
Can I obtain financial help for my Lung Cancer treatment?
Can I obtain financial help for my Lung Cancer treatment?
How important is early detection in Lung Cancer treatment?
How important is early detection in Lung Cancer treatment?