
Leukemia Treatment in Delhi

Avg Price: $ 3250-$ 55000

Leukemia is a form of blood cancer characterized by the rapid proliferation of abnormal blood cells. This unregulated growth occurs within the bone marrow, where a significa...
  • 3-4 Days

    Treatment Time

  • 5-6 Months

    Recovery Time

  • 15-20 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 80%-90%

    Success Rate

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Leukemia Treatment: An Insight into Innovative Approaches and Cost Analysis

95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries
95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries


The name Leukemia originates from the Greek terms 'leukos,' which signifies white, and 'haima,' which signifies blood. This term is employed to describe a wide range of malignancies involving white blood cells. Globally, in 2020, leukemia represented roughly 2.5% of all newly diagnosed cancer cases and 3.1% of cancer-related deaths. The annual incidence rate for new leukemia cases was 14.0 per 100,000 individuals, while the mortality rate was 6.0 per 100,000 individuals. As per estimates, approximately 1.6% of both men and women are diagnosed with leukemia at some point in their lives. Looking ahead to 2023, it is projected that there will be 59,610 new cases of leukemia, with an estimated 23,710 individuals succumbing to this disease.

This underscores the need for development of new cutting-edge leukemia treatment therapies and framing of strategies to enhance their availability and accessibility to the pave path for leukemia free world. Because of highly complex nature of this treatment, there is a significant requirement for a high level of procedural expertise and sophistication. India stands out on the global stage for its exceptional proficiency among surgeons in conducting such procedures, owing to their remarkable skills and access to advanced healthcare facilities. Therefore, people from around the world currently have excellent opportunities to avail services from best doctors for leukemia treatment and best hospitals for leukemia treatment in India.

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Types of Leukemia Treatment

The treatment plan for Leukemia depends on various factors. Your doctor will determine the appropriate course of treatment based on factors such as your age, overall health, the specific type of leukemia you have, and whether it has spread to other parts of your body, including the central nervous system.
Typical leukemia treatment options are:

  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy serves as the primary method for treating leukemia. This treatment employs drugs to eliminate leukemia cells. Depending on the type of leukemia, you may receive a single drug or a combination of drugs. These medications can be administered orally in pill form or through intravenous injection.
  • Targeted Therapy: Targeted drug treatments are designed to target specific abnormalities found within cancer cells. By blocking these abnormalities, targeted therapies can induce the death of cancer cells.
  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy employs X-rays or other high-energy beams to damage leukemia cells and inhibit their growth. During this procedure, you lie on a table while a large machine moves around you, precisely directing the radiation to specific areas of your body. Radiation therapy may be employed to prepare for a bone marrow transplant.
  • Bone Marrow Transplant: Also known as a stem cell transplant, this procedure involves replacing unhealthy bone marrow with leukemia-free stem cells, which will regenerate healthy bone marrow. Prior to the transplant, you receive high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to eradicate the leukemia-producing bone marrow. The infused blood-forming stem cells aid in the rebuilding of your bone marrow. These stem cells can either be from a donor or your own.
  • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy leverages your body's immune system to combat cancer. Cancer cells often produce proteins that enable them to evade detection by the immune system. Immunotherapy intervenes in this process, helping the immune system recognize and target cancer cells.
  • Engineering Immune Cells for Leukemia Combat: A specialized treatment known as chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy involves modifying your bodys T cells, which are responsible for fighting infections, to target and combat leukemia. These engineered T cells are reintroduced into your body, offering a potential option for certain types of leukemia.
  • Clinical Trials: Clinical trials are experimental studies designed to assess new cancer treatments and novel approaches to using existing treatments. While participating in clinical trials provides access to the latest cancer treatments, the benefits and risks of such treatments may be uncertain. It's essential to discuss the potential advantages and drawbacks of clinical trials with your doctor.

Pre-Evaluation for Leukemia Treatment

Doctors may detect chronic leukemia through a routine blood test, even before any symptoms become apparent. In such cases, or if you exhibit signs or symptoms suggestive of leukemia, your doctor will conduct diagnostic evaluation which includes:

  • Physical Examination: Your physician will conduct a physical examination to identify potential physical indicators of leukemia, such as pallor due to anemia, swelling of lymph nodes, and enlargement of the liver and spleen.
  • Blood Tests: By analyzing a blood sample, your doctor can assess whether you have abnormal levels of red or white blood cells or platelets, which could indicate the presence of leukemia. In some instances, a blood test may also reveal the existence of leukemia cells, although not all types of leukemia lead to the circulation of leukemia cells in the bloodstream. At times, these cells remain confined to the bone marrow.
  • Bone Marrow Examination: Your healthcare provider may recommend a bone marrow test, a procedure involving the extraction of a bone marrow sample from your hipbone using a long, slender needle. This sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis to detect the presence of leukemia cells. Specialized tests performed on these leukemia cells can unveil specific characteristics that are essential for determining suitable treatment options.
  • Lumbar puncture: It is also known as a spinal tap, may be performed by your healthcare provider to examine a sample of spinal fluid and check for the presence of leukemia in the fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.

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How is Leukemia Treatment done?

Depending on your treatment strategy, you may undergo leukemia treatment continuously over the long term or in distinct phases. Typically, phased treatment consists of three components, each with a specific objective:

  • Induction Therapy: The primary aim here is to eliminate as many leukemia cells as possible in your blood and bone marrow to achieve a state of remission. Remission is characterized by a return of blood cell counts to normal levels, the absence of leukemia cells in your blood, and the complete disappearance of all signs and symptoms of the disease. Induction therapy is typically administered over a period of four to six weeks.
  • Consolidation or Intensification: In this phase, the primary objective is to eradicate any remaining, undetected leukemia cells to prevent the cancer from recurring. Consolidation therapy is usually delivered in cycles spanning four to six months.
  • Maintenance Therapy: The focus here is on eliminating any residual leukemia cells that may have survived the initial two treatment phases and preventing the disease from returning, known as relapse. Maintenance therapy is typically continued for approximately two years.

Complications of Leukemia Treatment

Certain side effects of leukemia treatment may be temporary, resolving once the treatment is completed, while others can persist for a longer duration. It's crucial to communicate your feelings and experiences with your healthcare team, as they typically have methods to assist you. Here are some common side effects and considerations:

Fatigue (Tiredness): Fatigue can manifest as complete physical or mental exhaustion and may lead to mental fog. Managing fatigue involves finding a balance between rest and activity and understanding your limits by monitoring your symptoms.

Anemia: Anemia signifies a low level of red blood cells, which can result in tiredness and breathlessness. If you have anemia, you may be offered a blood transfusion as a treatment.

Infections: Blood cancer and treatments like chemotherapy can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. It's essential to recognize the signs of infection for prompt antibiotic treatment. You can take measures to reduce your infection risk, and more information on this is available.

Mucositis (Sore Mouth or Gut): This condition can cause discomfort in your mouth or along the lining of your gastrointestinal tract, which includes your esophagus, stomach, and intestines. It's a common side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but it can be managed with medications and typically improves over time.

Hair Loss or Thinning: Hair loss can occur due to chemotherapy and other treatments, but there are various ways to cope with it, and your hair will typically grow back once treatment concludes.

Changes in Bowel Habits: You may experience diarrhea or constipation as side effects of treatment. Medications and dietary adjustments can help manage these issues, and you can consult your healthcare team for guidance.

Nausea and Vomiting: Feeling nauseous or vomiting can be side effects of treatment, but anti-sickness drugs can provide relief. Eating small, light meals or snacks and consuming items like peppermint tea, ginger-containing foods, or fizzy drinks can help alleviate nausea.

Fertility Issues: Chemotherapy can impact fertility, so it's crucial to discuss this concern with your healthcare team. They can provide information on fertility preservation options. During chemotherapy, its essential to take precautions to avoid pregnancy, as the drugs may harm the baby.

Long-Term Health Problems: Some leukemia treatments may lead to other long-term health issues, such as thyroid, heart, or lung problems. The specific risks and benefits of your treatment will depend on its type and strength, so consult your healthcare team for more information on these potential consequences.

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While leukemia does not currently have a definitive cure, it's important to note that some individuals do attain prolonged periods of remission. Achieving a state of being cured from leukemia implies that the cancer is completely eradicated, will not return, and necessitates no further treatment. However, ascertaining this with certainty in the case of leukemia can be challenging.

In contrast, long-term remission denotes the absence of any detectable cancer, whether with or without ongoing treatment. Remission can persist for varying durations, ranging from a few weeks to several years, and in some instances, leukemia may never recur. If it does resurface, your healthcare provider may propose new treatments aimed at achieving remission. The determination of whether you are cured of leukemia is best addressed by your healthcare team.

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Life after Leukemia Treatment

Advancements in the treatment of blood cancers have led to an increase in the number of individuals living with their condition. Surviving cancer presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. Many people encounter periods when their illness is well-managed, affording them the chance to resume their normal lives.

Most individuals eagerly anticipate the conclusion of their treatment, as it marks a return to life as they knew it. However, this phase can bring about significant changes. Roles and responsibilities within the family may need to be redefined, and decisions may be required regarding when or how to rejoin the work.

The majority of people adapt successfully to life after treatment. It's important to recognize that this adjustment is a gradual process, and both you and those around you may need time to acclimate to the new circumstances. Having realistic expectations can help prevent feelings of disappointment, anger, or frustration.

People employ various coping strategies when readjusting to life after treatment, and there is no universally right or wrong approach. The concept of "normalcy" may require reevaluation, and some individuals may find it beneficial to seek support, either independently or through trusted friends or family members.

Connecting with others who have undergone similar experiences can be valuable, as they comprehend the complex issues that arise during the adjustment to a new life. Relationship or family counseling can also assist individuals in moving forward as they navigate this transformative phase of their lives.

Success Rate of Leukemia Treatment

Excluding age as a factor, there has been little alteration in new Leukemia incidence rates since 2019. However, the mortality rates have witnessed a consistent decline of nearly 2 percent annually since 2009. The National Cancer Institute provides the following statistics on survival rates for the four primary categories of leukemia:

Types of Leukemia 5- year Survival Rate Number of deaths per 100,000 Persons Age-group with Highest Death Rate
ALL 69.9% 0.4 65-84
AML 29.5% 2.7 65+
CLL 87.2% 1.1 75+
CML 70.6% 0.3 75+

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Leukemia Treatment

The cost of Leukemia treatment in India is quite affordable than many Western nations, while still maintaining world-class quality. The approximate price of this procedure in India ranges from $20000 to $55000 with an average of about $35000, which is approximately one-tenth the treatment incurred in countries like the USA.

Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
Delhi   $ 1200 $ 20500 $ 55000
Mumbai $ 800 $ 55000 $ 60000
Chennai $ 750 $ 25000 $ 45000
Hyderabad $ 650 $ 45000 $ 55000

Comparison of cost of Leukemia treatment with other western countries:

Country Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
USA $106,000 $1,33,000 $160,000
Australia $43,000 $47,000 $51,000
Canada $53,000 $66,500 $80,000

Factors Affecting Cost of Leukemia Treatment

Following are the factors affecting cost of Leukemia treatment in India:

  • Out of pocket expense
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Consultation fees
  • Pre-Surgical expenses
  • Type and severity of leukemia
  • Surgery cost
  • Hospital fees
  • Doctor fees
  • Patients age
  • Type of procedure
  • Overall health status of the patients
  • Complications involved after the surgery
  • City where hospital is located

Cost of Diagnostics for Leukemia Treatment

The cost for diagnostic tests and evaluations linked to Leukemia treatment can fluctuate due to several factors. These factors include the particular tests needed, your choice of healthcare facility or clinic, and your geographical location. The following is the approximate diagnostic cost split for this surgery: 

Diagnostic Procedure Cost
Biopsy USD 429 to USD 500
Endoscopy USD 19 to USD 386
X-Ray USD 10 to USD 25
PET Scan USD 193 to USD 800
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) of the lymph nodes USD 10 to USD 32
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan USD 26- USD 321
Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan USD 26 to USD 400


Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is dedicated to ensuring that your medical journey goes as smoothly and successfully as possible.

  • Individualized Guidance: Personalized guidance throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a broad network of prominent hospitals, top doctors, and skilled surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A full breakdown of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and offers you cost-effective solutions.
  • MedFlick provides everything from travel arrangements to hotel and visa help to lodging.
  • Multilingual Support: Breaking down language barriers to allow patients and medical professionals to communicate more effectively.
  • The road to a successful leukemia treatment is long and challenging, full of hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future. With MedFlick as your guide, navigating this life-changing adventure becomes simple and liberating.


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Frequently asked questions

What are the common Leukemia Treatments?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi offer treatment for Breast Cancer?
How far is Apollo Proton, Chennai from the nearest airport?
Does Fortis Gurugram offer an Air Ambulance Facility?
Is Surgery a common method for Leukemia treatment?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi have a pharmacy?
Does Apollo Proton, Chennai offer an online doctor consultation facility?
Is Fortis Gurugram NABH accredited?
What is Stem Cell Transplant, and when is it used as Leukemia treatment?
What facilities are available in Apollo Hospital Delhi Platinum Lounge?
What type of cancer treatment facilities are offered at Apollo Proton, Chennai?
Which Metro Station is closest to Fortis Gurugram?
How does Chemotherapy work in Leukemia treatment?
How long does Leukemia treatment typically last?
Are there side effects of Leukemia treatment?
Can one continue with normal activities during Leukemia treatment?
Is there a role for Complementary Therapies in Leukemia treatment?
What happens after Leukemia treatment is completed?
Can Leukemia come back after treatment?