
Heart Valve Replacement in Chennai

Avg Price: $ 3800-$ 15000

Heart valve replacement surgery addresses issues with a valve that is either too constricted or doesn't close properly. Efficient valve function is essential for guiding blo...
  • 1-2 Weeks

    Treatment Time

  • 5-6 Days

    Recovery Time

  • 10-12 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 98%-100%

    Success Rate

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Heart Valve Replacement Surgery: Preparation, Procedure, Recovery, Treatment Outcomes, & Cost Analysis

95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries
95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries


Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) include a range of heart and blood vessel disorders and stand as the primary global cause of mortality. In 2019, an estimated 17.9 million individuals succumbed to CVDs, constituting 32% of total global deaths, with 85% attributed to heart attacks and strokes. Valvular Heart Disease (VHD) significantly contributes to a decline in physical well-being and a deterioration in the quality of life, emerging as a primary factor in global cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A significant majority of CVD-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income nations.

However, the shifting demographics of the population, advancements in imaging technologies, increased access to diagnosis and treatment, patterns of migration, enhancements in heart valve replacement surgery, and the introduction of more advanced procedures are the key factors that have led to evolution in the survival rate from Valvular Heart Disease (VHD). The efforts directed towards enhancing prevention, detection, and treatment of VHD are helping in alleviating the global healthcare burden. Globally, approximately 280,000 heart valve replacements occur annually, with the mitral and aortic valves being the most frequently replaced.

Better medical facilities have emerged, leading to the widespread availability of Coronary Interventions and Cardiac Surgeries in major Indian cities, particularly the metros. The increasing expertise, coupled with heightened awareness and improved affordability among patients, is poised to have a more positive impact in upcoming years. The ongoing development of newer techniques is expected to enhance both short-term and long-term outcomes of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery.

India boasts numerous healthcare facilities that hold certifications from ISO, JCI, and NABH. Some of the world's leading heart surgeons practice in the country. Patients can be assured of high standards in both treatment and post-operative care, eliminating concerns about quality. The proficiency of Indian doctors and nurses in fluent English ensures seamless communication throughout the medical experience. Therefore, people worldwide have excellent chances to access these services from the best doctors for heart valve replacement surgery and best hospitals for heart valve replacement surgery in India. If you're seeking insight, today, we will shed light on this procedure and its details.

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Types Of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Here are the types of Heart Valve Replacement surgeries:

  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR): TAVR is a less invasive procedure designed to address aortic stenosis without resorting to Open Surgery. The approach involves navigating thin tubes, known as catheters, through an artery near the groin to access the aortic valve. TAVR is particularly beneficial for individuals ineligible for open surgery and those at moderate surgical risk who opt for a minimally invasive option.
  • Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement: In cases where the initial tissue replacement valve shows signs of wear, a second valve can be implanted. This can often be achieved through a catheter-based, minimally invasive method like TAVR.
  • Transcatheter mitral valve replacement: It is a medical procedure that involves replacing the mitral valve of the heart using a minimally invasive approach. Instead of traditional open-heart surgery, this technique employs catheters to deliver and implant a new valve within the existing mitral valve.
  • Mechanical Valve Replacement: It involves using an artificial valve made of durable materials like metal or ceramic. These valves last a long time, but patients need to take blood-thinning medications for life to prevent blood clots.
  • Biological Valve Replacement: It uses a valve made from animal tissue (usually a pig or cow) or from a human donor. Patients might not need blood-thinning medications for life, but these valves may not last as long as mechanical ones.

Pre-Evaluation For Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Before Surgery

Discuss with your doctor the following aspects before undergoing Heart Valve Replacement Surgery:

  • Clarify the timing for your regular medications and whether they can be taken before the surgery.
  • Provide information about any allergies or adverse reactions to medications you may have experienced.
  • Consult your healthcare provider regarding the specific medications permissible before the surgery.
  • Determine the appropriate time to refrain from eating or drinking the night before the surgery. Its essential not to consume any food or beverages after midnight on the day of the surgery.
  • Additionally, you might undergo pre-surgery assessments such as a chest X-ray, echocardiogram, and electrocardiogram (EKG) on the day before the surgery. Other diagnostic tests like a CT scan, heart catheterization, and lab tests may also be conducted.

Preparation on the day of surgery:

The surgical area will be prepared by shaving and cleaning, a routine performed by a healthcare provider. To prevent infection, your skin may be washed with a specialized soap. When preparing for the surgery, bring along loose and comfortable clothing, as well as easy-to-put-on shoes. If you wear a bra, consider bringing one that can be put on without requiring you to raise your arms. The person accompanying you to the hospital can hold onto these items during the surgical procedure.

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How Is Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Done?

You will be administered anesthetics to induce a sleep-like state for the procedure, and a heart-lung bypass machine will be employed to maintain blood circulation throughout.

If your heart valve is not amenable to repair, and a catheter-based procedure is not viable, replacement of the valve may become necessary. In this process, your doctor removes the impaired heart valve and substitutes it with either a mechanical valve or a valve crafted from the tissue of cow, pig, or human hearts (biological tissue valve).

Biological valves may require eventual replacement due to natural breakdown over time. In the case of a mechanical valve, lifelong intake of blood-thinning medications is necessary to prevent blood clots. Your doctors will engage in discussions with you to weigh the risks and benefits associated with each type of valve.

Heart Valve Replacement Surgery can be conducted through standard Open-Heart Surgery, which entails an incision in your chest through the Breastbone. Alternatively, minimally invasive heart surgery involves smaller incisions compared to Open-Heart Surgery. Certain heart valves may be replaced through a minimally invasive catheter procedure. For instance, a catheter-based approach might be employed to introduce a replacement valve into a biological valve in the heart that is malfunctioning.

Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery encompasses procedures using elongated instruments inserted through one or more small chest incisions (Thoracoscopic Surgery), surgery through a small chest incision, or surgery conducted with robotic assistance (robot-assisted heart surgery).

Opting for Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery may result in a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, and reduced pain compared to Open-Heart Surgery. It is advisable to undergo Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery at medical centers with experienced medical teams proficient in performing such procedures.

Complications Of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Potential risks associated with Heart Valve Replacement Surgery encompass:

  • Hemorrhaging
  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Infection
  • Impaired functioning of replaced valves
  • Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
  • Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
  • Fatality

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Following your Heart Valve Replacement Surgery, you can anticipate spending a day or more in the intensive care unit (ICU). During this period, you will receive fluids and medications intravenously, while tubes are utilized to drain urine from the bladder and fluids and blood from the chest. Oxygen may be administered through a mask or nasal prongs.

After your ICU stay, you will likely be transferred to another hospital room for several days. The duration of your hospital stay hinges on your overall health and the specifics of your surgery.

Post-surgery, your medical team will diligently monitor your health, keeping a close eye on potential signs of infection at the incision sites. Regular checks of blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate will be conducted. The team will collaborate with you to manage any post-surgery pain.

As part of your recovery plan, you'll be encouraged to engage in regular walking to gradually enhance your activity levels. Additionally, coughing and breathing exercises are recommended during the recovery process.

Throughout your recovery, you will receive specific instructions to follow, including:

  • Monitoring for signs of infection in your incisions
  • Adhering to your prescribed medication regimen
  • Properly caring for your incisions
  • Effectively managing pain and other potential side effects stemming from your surgery.

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Life After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

  • Following heart valve replacement surgery, your doctor will provide guidance on the appropriate timing for your return to regular activities.
  • It is essential to attend scheduled follow-up appointments with your doctor, during which several tests may be conducted to assess and track your overall condition.
  • Your healthcare provider might suggest adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, incorporating changes such as:
  1. Maintaining a nutritious diet
  2. Engaging in regular exercise
  3. Effectively managing stress
  4. Abstaining from tobacco use

Success Rate Of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Most Heart Valve Replacement Surgery demonstrate high success rates, contributing positively to patients' well-being. Although there may be instances where valves require replacement in the future, advancements in medical science enhance the overall effectiveness of these interventions.

In a 2021 Swedish study encompassing 33,018 individuals undergoing aortic valve replacement surgery, the findings indicated a lower life expectancy among those who had undergone the procedure. However, it's important to note that not all deaths during the follow-up period were attributed to heart-related issues.

Additionally, a 2019 study published in the Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, involving 324 participants who underwent mitral valve replacement, presented encouraging statistics:

  • A low mortality rate of 1.9% during the procedure.
  • A 30-day postoperative mortality rate of 9%.
  • Those who received a biological valve exhibited a commendable 62.4% survival rate at the 10-year mark.
  • Individuals who opted for a mechanical valve displayed an even higher 77.1% survival rate at 10 years, highlighting the positive outcomes associated with these surgeries.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison For Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

The cost of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery in India is generally more affordable than Western nations, while still maintaining world-class quality. The typical price range for such procedures in India spans from INR 2.97 lakh ($3600) to INR. 10,00,000( $ 12,578).

Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
Delhi $ 5500 $ 10000 $ 15000
Mumbai $ 5500 $ 10000 $ 15000
Chennai $ 3800 $ 5000 $ 12000
Hyderabad $ 4200 $ 8000 $ 12500

The comparative cost of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery in India with respect to other countries:

Location Minimum Cost ($)
US $80,000
UAE $25,000
Mexico $12,500
Turkey $10,000

Factors Affecting Cost Of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Following are the factors affecting cost of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery in India:

  • Out of pocket expense
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Consultation fees
  • Pre Surgical expenses
  • Surgery cost
  • Hospital fees
  • Doctor fees
  • Patients age
  • Severity of valve damage
  • Type of surgery
  • Overall health status of the patients
  • Complications involved after the surgery
  • City where hospital is located

Cost Of Diagnostics For Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

The expenses associated with the preliminary assessments and examinations conducted prior to the heart valve replacement surgery might cover various diagnostic procedures. These additional charges encompass tests such as X-Rays, CT Scans (Computed Tomography), MRI Scans (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs), Carotid Doppler/Ultrasound Studies (Carotids), Ankle-Brachial Index (ABIs), Surface Echocardiograms (Echo), Vein Mapping, Trans-Esophageal Echocardiograms (TEE), ECG-gated SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (Stress Test), Heart Catheterization (Cath), Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and other diagnostic evaluations. The total expenses for these tests can vary between INR 1,00,000 and INR 1,50,000.

Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is dedicated to ensuring that your medical journey goes as smoothly and successfully as possible.

  • Individualized Guidance: Personalized guidance throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a broad network of prominent hospitals, top doctors, and skilled surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A full breakdown of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and offers you cost-effective solutions.
  • MedFlick provides everything from travel arrangements to hotel and visa help to lodging.
  • Multilingual Support: Breaking down language barriers to allow patients and medical professionals to communicate more effectively.
  • The road to a successful heart valve replacement surgery is challenging, full of hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future. With MedFlick as your guide, navigating this life-changing adventure becomes simple and liberating.


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Frequently asked questions

Is there an age limit for heart valve replacement surgery?
Does Fortis Gurugram offer an Air Ambulance Facility?
How long does the recovery take after heart valve replacement surgery?
Is Fortis Gurugram NABH accredited?
Can a replaced heart valve last a lifetime?
Which Metro Station is closest to Fortis Gurugram?
Are there alternatives to traditional open-heart surgery for valve replacement?
Can I choose between a mechanical and a biological valve for heart valve replacement surgery?
How often are follow-up appointments necessary after heart valve replacement surgery?
What is the difference between aortic and mitral heart valve replacement surgery?
Are there lifestyle changes I need to make after heart valve replacement surgery?
Can I travel after heart valve replacement surgery?
Can I engage in physical activities after heart valve replacement surgery?