
Heart Transplant in Delhi

Avg Price: $ 50000-$ 110000

A Heart Transplant is a difficult surgical process in which a damaged heart is removed and replaced with a healthy heart from a deceased donor.
  • 5-6 Months

    Treatment Time

  • 1 Month

    Recovery Time

  • 25 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 85%-90%

    Success Rate

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Restoring Hope and Vitality through Heart Transplant in India

95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries
95% Success Rate
11000+ Doctors
150+ Top Hospitals
250+ Surgeries
35+ Countries


Heart Transplant in India has evolved as a result of a combination of medical competence, technical advancement, and a commitment to redefining patient care. The effort to improve heart transplant operations is taking place at multiple levels of healthcare, ushering in novel ideas that promise to transform the field. 

The count of Heart Transplant procedures in India has experienced a rapid and significant increase over the recent years. This escalation can be observed in the statistics, with transplantation of heart rising from 53 instances in 2014 to 241 cases in 2018, followed by 187 cases in 2019. Notably, during 2018, India held the second position in terms of solid organ transplant volume among all World Health Organization member nations globally, trailing only the United States. This development is consistent with the overall expansion in the field of medical transplantation, with the number of heart transplants increasing at a rate of roughly 10% per year. In terms of numbers, this equates to around 2000 heart transplant procedures conducted in India each year.

These numbers pave the way for those seeking Heart Transplant procedures to have a more optimistic attitude. As more specialised medical centres and competent experts become available, the process of choosing the best doctors for heart transplant and best hospitals for Heart Transplant gets more streamlined. 

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Types of Heart Transplant

There are two kinds of Heart Transplants:

Orthotopic Transplant: A healthy donor heart replaces the recipient's failing heart totally.

Heterotopic Transplant: The donor's heart is placed alongside the recipient's heart, an option used in complex circumstances.


A careful pre-evaluation procedure takes centre stage before beginning on the transforming path of a Heart Transplant. This comprehensive evaluation consists of a series of tests and consultations designed to determine the patient's overall health, preparedness, and suitability for the Transplant Surgery. This step is critical in ensuring that the patient's physical and emotional well-being matches the demands of the Transplantation process.

  • Medical History Review: It is critical to have a complete understanding of the patient's medical history. This involves a review of previous heart diseases, treatments, surgeries, and any current medical concerns. This review provides important insights into the patient's health trajectory and aids in the identification of potential hazards or consequences.
  • Diagnostic Imaging: A variety of imaging techniques are used to assess the heart's current condition. These could include echocardiograms, which provide detailed images of the anatomy and function of the heart. Other procedures, such as cardiac MRI and CT scans, help to provide a more complete picture of the heart's health.
  • Blood Tests: Extensive blood analysis is performed to evaluate various factors. Blood tests are used to assess kidney and liver function, blood cell counts, and the presence of infections or antibodies that may interfere with transplantation.
  • Cardiac Catheterization: This treatment involves inserting a tiny tube into the blood arteries of the heart to detect pressure and blood flow. It is critical for determining the amount of coronary artery blockages or anomalies.
  • Pulmonary Function Tests: Because heart and lung health are linked, these tests assess the capacity of the lungs to ensure they can function properly.
  • Infectious Disease Screening: To reduce post-surgery risks, a variety of infectious disease tests, including hepatitis, HIV, and others, are performed.
  • Psychological Evaluation: The patient's emotional and psychological preparedness is assessed. This is critical since a heart transplant is a life-changing experience that necessitates resilience and adaptation.
  • Nutritional Evaluation: A thorough examination of the patient's nutritional state aids in tailoring dietary recommendations to support optimal recovery.
  • Medication Review: An in-depth examination of the patient's present medications aids in the formulation of the post-transplant medication regimen.
  • Education and Consent: Patients are informed about the transplantation procedure, the need for medication adherence and follow-up treatment, as well as the potential dangers. Informed permission is gained, indicating the patient's comprehension and willingness to proceed.

Each of these pre-evaluation steps is meticulously arranged to ensure a thorough grasp of the patient's health and readiness for the heart transplant procedure. Patients must be open and forthcoming during this process, as their collaboration allows the medical team to make well-informed decisions that result in the best potential outcomes. This stage is about more than just medical evaluations—it's about forming a relationship between the patient and the medical team, all in the name of a healthier, more vibrant future.

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How is Heart Transplant done?

A Heart Transplant journey consists of numerous stages:

  • Referral and Evaluation: To establish transplant suitability, Cardiologists and Transplant specialists methodically evaluate the patient's health.
  • Waitlist and donor matching: Patients are placed on a national transplant waitlist, and donor hearts are matched based on compatibility and urgency.
  • Transplant procedure: Once a compatible donor heart is found, the complicated procedure, which lasts 4 to 6 hours, begins.
  • Recovery Phase: Patients spend weeks after surgery under careful surveillance, with their status evaluated for problems and probable organ rejection.


While Heart Transplants promise a fresh lease on life, risks include organ rejection, infections, bleeding, and immunosuppressive medication side effects. Modern medical developments and watchful care by healthcare personnel, on the other hand, serve to offset these obstacles.

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Post-Procedure and Life after a Heart Transplant

A Heart Transplant represents a new lease on life for many recipients. Activities that were once out of reach become possible, and the joy of spending time with loved ones is revived. Following a successful Heart Transplant, a new chapter of healing, adaptation, and thriving starts. This stage necessitates attentive care and a dedication to your well-being.

  • Monitoring and Intensive Care: Following surgery, you will spend time in the intensive care unit where your vital signs and overall status will be closely monitored.
  • Immunosuppressive Medications: To avoid organ rejection, follow your medical team's medication plan religiously.
  • Recovery and Mobility: Physical therapy will help you recover and restore strength as you stabilise.
  • Keep an eye out for complications: Regular examinations, tests, and imaging will detect any signs of organ rejection or infection.
  • Emotional Support: Coping with emotions after a transplant is critical. Seek psychological help if necessary.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Adopt a heart-healthy diet and indulge in modest exercise as directed. 
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular appointments with your transplant team assure the health and well-being of your heart.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: To aid with your recuperation, maintain proper nutrition and hydration.
  • Infection Prevention: Keep your immune system healthy by practising good hygiene and avoiding sick people.
  • Gradual Return to Normalcy: Reintegrate into your habits and activities under medical supervision.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Post-transplant care is required for the rest of one's life. Regular check-ups, medication compliance, and healthy habits are critical.

This stage is a celebration of hope and vitality—a journey in which medical care and your commitment meet.

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Success Rate

Heart Transplant success rates have increased dramatically as medical developments and knowledge have advanced. While outcomes are always customised, the general survival rate following a Heart Transplant in India is encouraging, giving hope to patients and their families. The global survival rate is normally about 85% to 90%. These statistics show that the vast majority of Heart Transplant recipients have successful outcomes and continue to thrive after surgery.

Treatment Cost Analysis and Comparison

It is critical for patients and their families to understand the financial elements of a Heart Transplant. In comparison to many other countries, India provides a more cost-effective choice for heart transplants. Let's look at the treatment costs and compare heart transplant costs in five main Indian cities.

Mumbai: The procedure and initial hospital stay for a Heart Transplant in Mumbai, India ranges from INR 15 to 20 lakhs ($20,000 to $27,000).

Delhi: In Delhi, the cost of heart transplant ranges from INR 14 to 18 lakhs ($19,000 to $29,000). The entire cost is determined by factors like hospital selection, and post-transplant care requirements.

Chennai: The hospitals in Chennai are well-known for their medical skills. In Chennai, a heart transplant may cost between INR 12 and 16 lakhs ($16,000 to $22,000). The city's reputation for providing high-quality healthcare makes it an appealing alternative for people looking for low-cost heart transplants in India.

Bangalore: Bangalore provides advanced medical services as well as technological advancement. In Bangalore, the cost of heart transplant ranges from INR 14 to 18 lakhs ($19,000 to $24,000). The city's healthcare centres are outfitted with cutting-edge equipment for comprehensive heart care.

Hyderabad: Hyderabad is quickly becoming a medical tourism hotspot. The cost of heart transplant in Hyderabad ranges from INR 13 to 17 lakhs ($17,000 to $23,000). The city's healthcare facilities provide high-quality services at reasonable prices.

India is a popular destination for medical tourists seeking Heart Transplants due to its low cost and high-quality medical care. Whereas, heart transplants in Western countries can cost anywhere from $750,000 to over $1 million.

When considering Heart Transplants, looking beyond your own country's boundaries can be beneficial. The following is a cost comparison of Heart Transplants in five different countries:

  • United States of America: Cost is estimated to be between $ 750,000 and $ 1,000,000.
  • Great Britain: Cost Estimate: $ 280,000 - $ 550,000
  • Germany: Cost Estimate: $ 700,000 - $ 900,000
  • Singapore: Cost Estimate: $ 350,000 - $ 550,000
  • Turkey: Cost is estimated to be between $ 150,000 and $ 300,000

Cost Influencing Factors

The cost of Heart Transplants is influenced by several factors, including:

Hospital Reputation: Because of their knowledge and facilities, established hospitals with a great track record frequently have higher costs.

The type of room—general, semi-private, or private—can affect the entire cost.

Post-Transplant Care: Follow-up appointments, medication, and diagnostics all contribute to the overall cost.

Expertise of the Medical Team: The experience and reputation of the surgical and medical teams might have an impact on the costs.

Costs may differ depending on the city's cost of living and medical infrastructure.

Diagnostics Cost

The cost of diagnostic testing leading up to a heart transplant can vary depending on the complexity of the evaluations and the unique needs of each patient. However, below is a rough breakdown of several frequent diagnostic tests in India and their associated costs:

  • Blood tests can range from the most basic, such as a complete blood count (CBC), to more advanced tests that examine organ function and infection signs. The price ranges between INR 2,000 and 5,000.
  • Echocardiography (Echo): This imaging technique analyses the structure and function of the heart. It could cost between INR 3,000 and 6,000.
  • Cardiac Catheterization: This invasive technique measures blood flow and heart pressure. The price could range between INR 15,000 and 30,000.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test records the electrical activity of the heart. It is reasonably priced, ranging from INR 500 to 1,000.
  • Cardiac MRI: A complete imaging procedure, cardiac MRI costs between INR 8,000 and 15,000.
  • Pulmonary Function Tests: These tests evaluate lung function and can range in price from INR 2,000 to 4,000.
  • Infectious Disease Screening: Tests for illnesses like hepatitis and HIV can range in price from INR 1,000 to 5,000 for each test.
  • Doppler studies are used to evaluate blood flow and vascular health. The price ranges from INR 2,000 to 5,000.

Our Services

MedFlick, your trusted healthcare companion, is dedicated to ensuring that your medical journey goes as smoothly and successfully as possible.

  • Individualised Guidance: Personalised guidance throughout your medical journey.
  • Access to a broad network of prominent hospitals, top doctors, and skilled surgeons.
  • Transparent and Competitive Pricing: A full breakdown of treatment costs that eliminates surprises and offers you cost-effective solutions.
  • MedFlick provides everything from travel arrangements to hotel and visa help to lodging.
  • Multilingual Support: Breaking down language barriers to allow patients and medical professionals to communicate more effectively.

The road to a successful Heart Transplant is long and winding, full of hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future. With MedFlick as your guide, navigating this life-changing adventure becomes simple and liberating.


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Frequently asked questions

What is the average waiting time for a Donor's Heart?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi offer treatment for Breast Cancer?
Does Fortis Gurugram offer an Air Ambulance Facility?
How is Organ rejection dealt with?
Does Apollo Hospital Delhi have a pharmacy?
Is Fortis Gurugram NABH accredited?
Is it possible to resume normal life after a Transplant?
What facilities are available in Apollo Hospital Delhi Platinum Lounge?
Which Metro Station is closest to Fortis Gurugram?
Is there an age limit for Heart Transplant?
How long does the procedure take?
Is it necessary to take medication for the rest of your life?
Is there any emotional help available?
Can Transplant recipients travel?
What is the donor's family's role?
How can one prepare financially?

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