
Arthroscopic Surgery in India

Avg Price: $ 2200-$ 8800

  • 1 Week

    Treatment Time

  • 1-2 Months

    Recovery Time

  • 4-5 Days

    Hospitalization Days

  • 90-95%

    Success Rate

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95% Success Rate
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Like all medical specialties, orthopedic surgery made enormous strides in the 20th century. The two most significant advancements in orthopedic surgery over the past century have been joint replacement surgery and arthroscopic surgery, along with a better understanding of the fundamental molecular, cellular, genetic, and biomechanical aspects of the musculoskeletal system.

Notably, joint replacement surgery and arthroscopic surgery emerged as pivotal innovations, greatly benefiting from technological progress. These advancements are anticipated to continually enhance treatment outcomes and broaden application possibilities. Arthroscopy, a minimally invasive alternative, has become the predominant orthopedic surgical procedure, offering advantages such as reduced postoperative swelling, decreased pain, lower complication risks, and quicker recovery. Initially a diagnostic tool, arthroscopy has evolved into a therapeutic method capable of effectively addressing various injuries and disorders, enabling swifter returns to full function, particularly for athletes. Despite its benefits, it's essential to acknowledge that arthroscopy, while generally reducing morbidity compared to open techniques, remains an invasive procedure with inherent risks. The majority of arthroscopic procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Arthroscopic surgery that would have improved quality of life was once considered secondary to trauma surgeries, joint replacements, and deformity corrections. For these subjectively-specific reasons such as cost, lack of public awareness, and import restrictions, the prevalent practice of arthroscopy in India in the past was different from that in developed nations. In the modern era, Indian arthroscopists are comparable to their foreign counterparts in terms of academic achievement, surgical proficiency, and research output. Therefore, choosing the best doctors for arthroscopic surgery and the best hospitals for arthroscopic surgery in India is getting easier every day.

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Types of Arthroscopic Surgery

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), following are the six most commonly performed arthroscopic surgeries are:

  • Knee Arthroscopy
  • Hip Arthroscopy
  • Shoulder Arthroscopy
  • Wrist Arthroscopy
  • Ankle Arthroscopy
  • Elbow Arthroscopy

Types of arthroscopy on the basis of type of tissue to be treated:

  • Joint Arthroscopy
  • Ligament Arthroscopy

These operations can be used to help treat or diagnose a number of illnesses. Following are the types of arthroscopic surgeries on the basis of the illnesses:

  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear arthroscopy
  • Chondromalacia  arthroscopy
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome arthroscopy
  • Impingement syndrome  arthroscopy
  • Labral tears arthroscopy
  • Recurrent shoulder dislocation arthroscopy
  • Meniscal tears arthroscopy
  • Rotator cuff tendon tears arthroscopy
  • Shoulder bursitis arthroscopy

Pre-Evaluation for Arthroscopic Surgery

Orthopedic surgeons, in determining the suitability of arthroscopic surgery and devising a surgical strategy, conduct several preoperative examinations. The diagnostic assessment may encompass the following imaging procedures:

  • X-Ray: To generate plain film images of bones and joints
  • Computed Tomography (CT): Compiling multiple X-ray images to produce three-dimensional "slices" of a joint or joint space on a computer
  • Ultrasound: Employing high-frequency sound waves to create images of soft tissues
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): To generate high-definition images, particularly focusing on soft tissues
  • Arthrocentesis in some cases to check for joint infection of crystallization in joint fluid

Additionally, healthcare providers may request blood tests to assess:

  • Inflammation
  • Infection
  • Any autoimmune disease
  • Biomarkers like C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 
  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
  • White Blood Cell (WBC) count

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How is Arthroscopic Surgery done?

Arthroscopy is generally an outpatient procedure. Most of the arthroscopic procedures take an hour to complete. However, the duration of the operation and hospital stay solely depends upon the patient’s condition. Following are the steps involved in the procedure: 

  • Two or three small incisions (about the size of a buttonhole) are given in the treatment area
  • Through these incisions, the arthroscope and other tiny surgical instruments are inserted
  • Arthroscopy helps to collect the images of the surgical site which is invisible with the naked eye. This helps to monitor and examine joints, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons under treatment
  • With the guidance of these images, the orthopaedician establishes the accurate diagnosis or right technique to surgically treat the damage
  • Once the surgery is completed, the arthroscope and surgical instruments are removed
  • The incisions are closed with stitches and the wounded is dressed with bandage

Complications of Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopy is a safe procedure in comparison to open conventional surgeries. Potential complications may include:

  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Damage to tissue or nerves in the vicinity
  • Blood clots which may cause deep vein thrombosis (DVT) later
  • Infections
  • Excessive bleeding or swelling

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After the procedure, you may return home in a few hours. It could be necessary for you to:

  • For a period of time, refrain from applying pressure or weight to the area. In the event that you underwent hip or leg arthroscopy, you may require crutches or some other kind of assistance
  • Apply ice in the treated area and raise it to reduce the pain and swelling
  • Cover the incision and maintain a cleanliness
  • Take NSAIDs to relieve the pain and inflammation
  • Shower rather than taking baths in the bathtub until the wound heals
  • Use temporary splints like slings or crutches to stay comfortable and protected
  • Your doctor may recommend physical therapy and rehabilitation activities to strengthen your muscles and increase the joint function

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Life after Arthroscopic Surgery

Even though arthroscopic surgery usually enables you to resume normal activities sooner, it can take several months to heal completely and be free of symptoms. There are restrictions on the amount and type of activity you should undertake during this time. When an arthroscopy is not properly done, it can result in increased pain, stiffness, and the possibility of further injury. You can prevent these issues by gradually increasing your level of activity.

Types Of Arthoscopic Surgery Recovery Period
Chondromalacia Repair 4 to 5 Months
Rotator Cuff Tear 3 to 6 Months
Shoulder Impingment Syndrome 3 to 6 Months
Meniscus Repair 3 to 8 Months
ACL Repair 6 to 9 Months
Carpal Tunnel Surgery Upto 10 Months


Success Rate

According to reports, 85 to 95% of patients experience improved pain relief and functional outcomes following arthroscopic procedures, which is comparable to open and mini open repairs. It is known to provide surgeons with the flexibility and ability to view and analyze a tear in its entirety from a variety of portal locations. Small skin incisions, less pain following surgery, a quicker recovery, better cosmetic outcomes, the absence of deltoid detachment, and less dissection of soft tissue are additional benefits of all arthroscopic repairs. Currently, no discernible variation in patient outcomes between this method and alternative approaches has been documented.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Arthroscopic Surgery

The cost of Arthroscopic Surgery in India varies according to various factors which are discussed in the next section of this article. However, the approximate cost of the procedure may range from $200-$5500

Location Minimum Cost $ Average Cost $ Maximum Cost $
Delhi 250 3500 5500
Mumbai 300 3200 5200
Chennai 200 2800 4800
Hyderabad 350 2400 5000


Location Minimum Cost $ Average Cost $ Maximum Cost $
UK 4000 6500 10000
USA 10000 12500 15000
Turkey 5000 7000 10000
Singapore 13300 17250 20000


Cost of Diagnostics for Arthroscopic Surgery

Following are the factors affecting the cost of Arthroscopic Surgery in India:

  • Doctor’s Expertise: The number of successful cases accomplished by a doctor may affect the cost of treatment. Generally, higher the expertise, higher will be the cost.
  • Doctor’s Experience: The doctors with more years of work experience in arthroscopic surgeries will charge more.
  • Extent of damage: Greater damage will require a more extensive and complex course of treatment, which will also increase costs. 
  • Overall Health Status of Patients: People having prevailing illnesses and old-age people will be at risk of getting more complications. So, there will be more post-operative care for them which will increase the cost.
  • Out of Pocket Expense: If your treatment is not being covered under your health insurance policy, then you may have to pay a higher out of pocket amount for the treatment. 
  • Pre-Surgical Expenses: Various diagnostic tests will add to the total cost of the treatment.
  • Hospital Fees: If you are choosing a government hospital for your treatment, then the cost of the treatment will definitely be highly affordable. On the contrary, if you choose any private or corporate hospital for your treatment then you will have to pay a higher amount.
  • Type of Surgery: Depending upon your condition, your doctor will plan the treatment approach for you. This will also impact the cost of treatment depending upon the approach chosen.
  • City where hospital is located: Hospitals located in bigger cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Noida, Gurugram, etc. may charge comparatively more than the hospitals located in the smaller cities. This is because hospitals in the metropolises can facilitate you better in every aspect.

Cost of Diagnostics for Arthroscopic Surgery

An approximate cost of diagnostics for Arthroscopic Surgery

Diagnostic Procedure Average Cost (₹)
Blood Tests ₹300-₹1000
X-Ray ₹200-₹8000
MRI ₹2000-₹10000
CT Scan ₹5000-₹10000


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  • Individualized Guidance: Receive personalized guidance throughout your medical journey.
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Experience a transformative journey of a successful Arthroscopic Surgery with MedFlick as your trusted guide. Our assistance makes navigating this life-changing therapeutic procedure simple and liberating, filled with hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future.


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Frequently asked questions

How do I know if Arthroscopic surgery will help me?
What else can be done for sports Ligament Injury besides Surgery?
Which type of Arthroscopic Surgery would benefit me?
Does it make a difference which hospital I go to?
How can I get my home ready before I even go to the hospital?
Should I quit smoking or drinking Alcohol before the Surgery?
Can I go for Arthroscopic Surgery if I am Diabetic or Hypertensive?
How long will the Surgery last?
In how many days can I return to my normal activities?
Should I stop smoking before the Surgery?