
Leukaemia Treatment Cost in India

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Leukemia, a most prevalent cancer found in children, is a blood and bone marrow malignancy resulting from abnormal cell growth in the bone marrow or lymphoid system. Its incidence varies across different populations. It has various subtypes based on genetic, clinical, and physical characteristics. Unlike solid cancers, which undergo genetic alterations for metastasis, leukemia cells possess inherent migration and invasion abilities, making them efficient at spreading throughout the body. Despite not being conventionally classified as metastatic diseases, leukemias can exhibit the metastatic spread due to their unique cellular properties.

Accordingly, they are often aggressive and challenging diseases to treat. While the decade-long therapeutic research in this field has not yielded any novel targeted therapies for leukaemias, it is anticipated to yield clinical benefits soon, similar to the success of cancer immunotherapies.

Significant progress has been achieved in leukemia research over recent decades, notably enhancing the understanding of leukemia biology through extensive basic and clinical studies. Advanced diagnostic tools have not only identified new leukemia subtypes but also improved the knowledge of clinical outcomes. As an illustration, childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which was formerly a common and deadly illness in children, has a cure rate of more than 80% today.

Improvements in leukemia management in India are paving the path for the establishment of comprehensive centers with medical professionals offering round-the-clock care and laboratory facilities. Even in India, leukemia, which was once believed to be an incurable illness, can be managed well and has improved clinical results now. India is emerging as an excellent and affordable destination for cutting-edge, fully functional blood disorder care facilities. The country is home to state-of-the-art therapeutic care facilities and a large pool of highly skilled and experienced hematologists and oncologists who can effectively treat a variety of blood disorders like leukemia with a high success rate. Therefore, choosing the best doctors for leukemia treatment and the best hospitals for leukemia treatment in India is getting convenient every day.

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Types of Leukaemia

Leukemia classification can be divided into two main categories:

Rate of Progression:

  • Acute Leukemia: In acute leukemia, the abnormal blood cells are immature, known as blasts. These immature cells are unable to perform their normal functions and multiply rapidly, causing the disease to worsen quickly. As a result, acute leukemia demands urgent and aggressive treatment.
  • Chronic Leukemia: Chronic leukemias encompass various types, some of which lead to excessive production of blood cells, while others result in too few blood cells being produced. Chronic leukemia primarily involves more mature blood cells, which replicate or accumulate at a slower rate and can function normally for an extended period. Certain forms of chronic leukemia may initially present no early symptoms and can remain unnoticed or undiagnosed for years.

Type of White Blood Cell Affected:

  • Lymphocytic Leukemia: This leukemia type affects lymphoid cells, specifically lymphocytes, which constitute lymphoid or lymphatic tissue;a crucial part of the immune system.
  • Myelogenous Leukemia: Myelogenous leukemia affects myeloid cells, which give rise to red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelet-producing cells.

Therefore, based on above mentioned classifications leukemia prevails in the following forms:

  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL): The most common leukemia type in young children, although it can also occur in adults.
  • Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML): Common in both children and adults, AML is the most prevalent form of acute leukemia among adults.
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL): CLL, the most common chronic leukemia in adults, often has an indolent course, with some individuals not requiring treatment for years.
  • Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML): Predominantly affecting adults, CML may present with few or no symptoms for an extended period before entering a phase of accelerated leukemia cell growth.

There are also other, less common types of leukemia, such as hairy cell leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative disorders.

Pre-Evaluation for Leukaemia Treatment

  • Physical Examination: Your physician will conduct a physical examination to identify potential physical indicators of leukemia, such as pallor due to anemia, swelling of lymph nodes, and enlargement of the liver and spleen.
  • Blood Tests: By analyzing a blood sample, your doctor can assess whether you have abnormal levels of red or white blood cells or platelets, which could indicate the presence of leukemia. In some instances, a blood test may also reveal the existence of leukemia cells, although not all types of leukemia lead to the circulation of leukemia cells in the bloodstream. At times, these cells remain confined to the bone marrow.
  • Bone Marrow Examination: Your healthcare provider may recommend a bone marrow test, a procedure involving the extraction of a bone marrow sample from your hip bone using a long, slender needle. This sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis to detect the presence of leukemia cells. Specialized tests performed on these leukemia cells can unveil specific characteristics that are essential for determining suitable treatment options.
  • Lumbar Puncture: It is also known as a spinal tap, and may be performed by your healthcare provider to examine a sample of spinal fluid and check for the presence of leukemia in the fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord.

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How is Leukaemia Treatment Done?

  • Chemotherapy: In this, chemicals are administered to eliminate or inhibit the multiplication of leukemia cells. 
  • Immunotherapy (Biologic Therapy): This method employs specific drugs to enhance the immune system's ability to combat leukemia. 
  • Targeted Therapy: It is used to target certain components of leukemia cells, such as proteins or genes, causing them to outpace normal blood cells.
  • Radiation Therapy: This treatment employs high-energy beams or X-rays to eradicate or hinder the growth of leukemia cells. 
  • Hematopoietic Cell Transplant or Bone Marrow Transplant: This approach replaces cancerous blood-forming cells eliminated by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy with new, healthy hematopoietic cells. 
  • Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy: An innovative therapeutic approach that involves extracting the patient's infection-fighting T-cells, engineering them to target leukemia cells, and reintroducing them into the body.

Leukemia treatment consists of three phases, each with a specific objective:

  • Induction Therapy: The primary aim here is to eliminate as many leukemia cells as possible in the blood and bone marrow to achieve a state of remission. Remission is characterized by a return of blood cell counts to normal levels, the absence of leukemia cells in your blood, and the complete disappearance of all signs and symptoms of the disease. Induction therapy is typically administered over four to six weeks.
  • Consolidation or Intensification: In this phase, the primary objective is to eradicate any remaining, undetected leukemia cells to prevent the cancer from recurring. Consolidation therapy is usually delivered in cycles spanning four to six months.
  • Maintenance Therapy: The focus here is on eliminating any residual leukemia cells that may have survived the initial two treatment phases and preventing the disease from returning, known as relapse. Maintenance therapy is typically continued for approximately two years.

Complications of Leukaemia Treatment

Immediate Complications

  • Infections
  • Breathlessness
  • Paleness
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding gums
  • Nose bleeding
  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Hair loss
  • Soreness and ulcers in mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Altered taste
  • Difficulty in eating and drinking
  • Abnormal heart rhythm

Delayed Complications

  • Heart Problems
  • Infertility
  • Developing another type of cancer 
  • Osteoporosis
  • Early menopause 
  • Loss of blood supply to the bone
  • Cataracts

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  • When active treatment for cancer patients concludes, their care does not end. 
  • Your medical team will keep an eye on your general health, manage any side effects, and make sure the cancer has not returned. It is referred to as follow-up care.
  • Regular medical testing, physical examinations, or both may be part of your follow-up care. in the months and years ahead, your doctors will keep track of your recovery 
  • It may be advised to undergo cancer rehabilitation, which can include any of a broad range of services like occupational therapy, physical therapy, career counseling, pain management, dietary planning, and/or emotional counseling. 
  • Rehabilitating individuals to the greatest extent possible while maintaining their independence in several facets of their lives is the main aim of Cancer Rehabilitation Programs.

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Life after Leukaemia Treatment

For months to years following your Leukemia treatment, you may be more susceptible to infections or other problems. You must see your doctor frequently for the rest of your life to monitor for late complications.

Success Rate of Leukaemia Treatment

  • Survival Rate at 5 years: 

5-year survival rate of Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): 88%
5-year survival rate of Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL): 71.3%
5-year survival rate of Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): 70.6%
5-year survival rate of Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): 31.7%
5-year survival rate of Acute monocytic leukemia (AML-M5): 23.7%

  • Survival Rate at 10 years: 

5-year survival rate of Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): 77.1%
5-year survival rate of Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): 62.1%

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Leukaemia Treatment

The cost of leukemia treatment in India varies according to various factors which are discussed in the next section of this article. However, the approximate cost of the procedure  may range from AAAAAA—ZZZZZZ.

Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)


Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)


Factors Affecting Cost of Leukaemia Treatment

Following are the factors affecting the cost of Leukemia treatment in India:

  • Doctor’s Fees: The number of successful cases accomplished by the doctor may affect the cost of treatment. Generally, higher the expertise, higher will be the cost. The doctor with more years of work experience in handling leukemia cases will charge more.
  • Overall Health Status of Patients: People having prevailing illnesses and old-age people will be at risk of getting more complications. So, there will be more post-operative care for them which will increase the cost.
  • Out of Pocket Expense: If your treatment is not being covered under your health insurance policy, then you may have to pay a higher out of pocket amount for the treatment. 
  • Pre-Evaluation Expenses: Various tests will be performed to assess your condition thoroughly. This will alter the total cost of the program on the basis of the pre-evaluation examination suggested.
  • Cost of Additional Services: You may have to pay more fees and increase your expenses if you are choosing extensive and more sophisticated services in the hospital.
  • Type of Treatment: Depending upon your condition, your team of doctors will plan the treatment for you. Certain treatment modalities will cost you more than any other treatment modality for Leukaemia. 
  • Type of Hospital: A corporate hospital will charge you more than the government hospital for the same services.
  • The city where the hospital is located: Hospitals located in bigger cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Noida, Gurugram, etc. may charge comparatively more than the hospitals located in smaller cities. This is because hospitals in the metropolises can facilitate you better in every aspect.

Cost of Diagnostics for Leukaemia Treatment

An approximate cost of diagnostics for Leukemia treatment:

Diagnostic Procedure Average Cost (₹)


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Frequently asked questions

What effects does Leukemia have on the body?
Does Blood Cancer run in families?
Can Leukemia spread in the body?
How can I do a home Leukemia test?
Does Leukemia relapse even after successful?
What is the life expectancy after Leukemia?
Does Leukemia cause pain?
How can you determine whether your child has Leukemia?
How well does Leukemia treatment work?
Does Leukemia have a 100% cure?