
Haemophilia Treatment Cost in India

Avg Price: $ 320-$ 10000

  • Treatment Time

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Hemophilia, an inherited chromosomal bleeding disorder. It results in a deficiency of either factor VIII (FVIII) or factor IX (FIX), leading to recurrent bleeding into joints and muscles, causing conditions like hemophilic arthropathy and contractures.

It is estimated that approximately 10 to 80% of hemophilic patients are from developing countries like India. However, cases often go undiagnosed and unregistered. In developed nations, comprehensive care for hemophilic patients involves addressing medical and psychosocial aspects, transforming hemophilia from a life-shortening to a lifelong condition.

Since 1983, Hemophilia Federation India (HFI) has been the sole national umbrella organization in India, comprising 87 chapters ((74 affiliated and 13 Non-affiliated chapters)) across four regions, dedicated to the welfare of Persons with Hemophilia (PwH). HFI aims to provide comprehensive care, education, affordable treatment, psychosocial support, and economic rehabilitation, with the vision of achieving hemophilia without disability and children free of pain. The mission includes locating undiagnosed PWH, educating individuals and medical professionals about hemophilia care, and making treatment affordable and accessible.

Improvements in hemophilia care in India is paving the path for creating comprehensive centers with professionals offering ongoing care and laboratory facilities for inhibitor detection. The government is now extending support with free antihemophilic factors, allowing doctors to plan treatment budgets & therapeutic facilities, and prioritizing safe products during treatment. The availability of bypass agents like rFVIIa in India is expected to increase, backed by studies confirming safety and efficacy for PWH with inhibitors.

Treating doctors not only possess hemophilia management knowledge but also assume roles as policymakers and advisors, collaborating with the government to organize hemophilia care. The roles of HFI, medical associations, and governments are clearly oriented towards the common goal of enhancing care and providing a near-normal life for PWH.

With the introduction of newer medications, treatment options, and gene therapy (the US FDA approved a gene therapy drug late last year that costs over Rs 25 crore), hemophilia, which is classified as a rare and incurable disease, is becoming more manageable in India. India is becoming a premier destination in offering advanced, fully equipped hematology care facilities. The country is home to state-of-the-art therapeutic care facilities and a large pool of highly skilled and experienced hematologists who can effectively treat a variety of blood disorders like hemophilia with a high success rate. Therefore, choosing the best doctors for hemophilia treatment and the best hospitals for hemophilia treatment in India is getting convenient every day.

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Types of Haemophilia Treatment

Replacement Therapy: The primary treatment for severe hemophilia involves administering the necessary clotting factor through a vein using a tube. This replacement therapy can be administered to address an ongoing bleeding episode or can be scheduled regularly at home to prevent such episodes. Some individuals may undergo continuous replacement therapy. Clotting factor replacements can be derived from donated blood as plasma-derived clotting factors, or they can be produced in a laboratory as recombinant clotting factors, eliminating the need for human blood.

Additional Therapeutic Options:

  • Desmopressin: In certain cases of mild hemophilia, this hormone can stimulate the release of more clotting factors. It can be administered gradually through a vein or used as a nasal spray.
  • Clot-Preserving Medications (Antifibrinolytics): These drugs help prevent the breakdown of clots.
  • Emicizumab (Hemlibra): A newer drug devoid of clotting factors, Hemlibra aids in preventing bleeding episodes in individuals with hemophilia A.
  • Fibrin Sealants: Applied directly to wounds, these promote clotting and healing, proving particularly beneficial for dental procedures.
  • Management of Minor Cuts: Applying pressure and a bandage is generally effective for stopping bleeding. For minor skin bleeding, an ice pack can be used, while ice pops can slow down minor bleeding in the mouth.

Pre-Evaluation for Haemophilia Treatment

Your doctor may advise you following diagnostic tests after assessing your medical history, symptoms, and overall health status in order to confirm hemophilia and proceed for the accurate treatment afterwards:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): This is done as routine assessment. 
  • Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Test: This diagnostic evaluation gauges the time required for blood to coagulate, measuring the clotting proficiency of factors VIII (8), IX (9), XI (11), and XII (12). When any of these clotting factors are deficient, the blood clotting process takes longer than usual. Consequently, individuals with hemophilia A or B will display extended clotting times, as indicated by the results of this test.
  • Prothrombin Time (PT) Test: Similar to the APTT test, this examination also measures the duration of blood clotting, primarily focusing on factors I (1), II (2), V (5), VII (7), and X (10). A deficiency in any of these factors prolongs the clotting process. However, most individuals with hemophilia A and B will present normal PT test results.
  • Fibrinogen Test: Ordered in conjunction with other clotting assessments or in response to abnormal PT or APTT results, the fibrinogen test aids in evaluating a patient's ability to form blood clots. Fibrinogen, synonymous with clotting factor I (1), is the key focus of this test.
  • Clotting Factor Tests: Crucial for diagnosing bleeding disorders, clotting factor tests, also referred to as factor assays, determine the presence and levels of proteins in the blood responsible for stopping or halting bleeding. These tests reveal the type and severity of hemophilia.

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How is Haemophilia Treatment Done?

Based on the timing of administration, Replacement Therapy for hemophilia treatment can be done by two ways: .

  • Prophylactic Therapy: Prophylactic replacement therapy is regularly administered as a preventive measure to proactively avert potential future bleeding incidents.
  • On-Demand Therapy: On-demand therapy is tailored to the specific requirements of patients, such as addressing an ongoing bleeding episode. Generally, on-demand therapy is less costly and less intensive than prophylactic therapy. The timing of on-demand therapy is crucial, as delayed administration can lead to significant damage from excessive bleeding.


  • A concentrated clotting factor can be delivered to the patient either through a drip or a direct intravenous injection, either at a clinic or in the comfort of their home
  • Patients considering home administration should seek guidance from a healthcare professional who can provide training on safe treatment practices 
  • Additionally, clinicians may opt to implant a device in a patient to facilitate easier vein access during self-administration 
  • Proper maintenance and sterile practices are essential
  • Doctors can instruct patients on ways for minimizing the risk of infections associated with the implanted device

Complications of Haemophilia Treatment

The following are a few major clinical issues that Replacement Therapy may cause:

  • A chance of getting sick if the donor blood is not thoroughly examined
  • Antibodies that form against the outside clotting factor and can result in a variety of clinical issues. The clotting factor may be attacked and destroyed by these antibodies, negating the therapeutic effect. In these situations, the doctors might decide to try larger doses of transfusions or different sources of clotting factors. It has been observed that 20% to 30% of patients develop these antibodies.

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  • Your doctor may advise you for frequent follow-up visits to monitor you for the treatment complications
  • You may be advised to refrain from certain physical activities that may expose you risk of injuries and bleeding episodes
  • The doctor may instruct to avoid strenuous exercises and contact sports
  • Your doctor will provide you all the guidelines to home infusions if needed
  • You may advised with the pain management strategies

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Life after Haemophilia Treatment

To minimize the risk of excessive bleeding and safeguard your joints, follow these guidelines for lifetime:

  • Opt for activities like swimming, cycling, and walking to build muscles while ensuring joint protection. Steer clear of contact sports such as football, hockey, or wrestling, as they pose risks for individuals with hemophilia.
  • Stay away from drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen, which can exacerbate bleeding. Instead, opt for acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), a safer alternative for mild pain relief.
  • Medications that impede blood clotting, such as heparin, warfarin (Jantoven), clopidogrel (Plavix), prasugrel (Effient), ticagrelor (Brilinta), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis), edoxaban (Savaysa), and dabigatran (Pradaxa), should be avoided.
  • Preventing tooth and gum disease is crucial to avoiding excessive bleeding.
  • People with hemophilia should receive recommended vaccinations, including hepatitis A and B, at the appropriate ages. Reducing the risk of bleeding during injections can be achieved by requesting the use of the smallest gauge needle and applying pressure or ice for 3 to 5 minutes afterward.
  • Equip the child with knee pads, elbow pads, helmets, and safety belts to prevent injuries from falls and accidents. Ensure your home is free of furniture with sharp corners.

Success Rate of Haemophilia Treatment

Over the past four decades, the management and care of individuals with hemophilia have undergone significant advancements. In the past, children with hemophilia faced a diminished quality of life and rarely survived beyond the first decade. Presently, both children and adults with hemophilia engage actively in daily school and work activities, experiencing a relatively normal life expectancy. These remarkable improvements stem largely from scientific progress in understanding hemophilia, translating into substantial enhancements in disease management and patient care.

Cohort studies, as well as recent prospective randomized research, indicate that primary prophylaxis may delay or prevent the onset of hemophilic arthropathy. \Recent research suggests that prophylactic treatment offers significant clinical advantages over episodic on-demand treatment, including a reduction in bleeding episodes, enhanced orthopedic function, and an overall improvement in quality of life.

Treatment Cost Analysis & Comparison for Haemophilia Treatment

The cost of hemophilia treatment in India varies according to various factors which are discussed in the next section of this article. However, the approximate cost of the procedure  may range from AAAAAA—ZZZZZZ.

Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)
Delhi 350 5500 10000
Mumbai 380 4500 9500
Chennai 320 3800 8500
Hyderabad 350 5800 9800


Location Minimum Cost ($) Average Cost ($) Maximum Cost ($)


Factors Affecting Cost of Haemophilia Treatment

Following are the factors affecting the cost of Hemophilia treatment in India:

  • Doctor’s Fees: The number of successful cases accomplished by the doctor may affect the cost of treatment. Generally, higher the expertise, higher will be the cost. The doctor with more years of work experience in handling haemophilia cases will charge more.
  • Overall Health Status of Patients: People having prevailing illnesses and old-age people will be at risk of getting more complications. So, there will be more post-operative care for them which will increase the cost.
  • Out of Pocket Expense: If your treatment is not being covered under your health insurance policy, then you may have to pay a higher out of pocket amount for the treatment. 
  • Pre-Evaluation Expenses: Various tests will be performed to assess your condition thoroughly. This will alter the total cost of the program on the basis of the pre-evaluation examination suggested.
  • Cost of Additional Services: You may have to pay more fees and increase your expenses if you are choosing extensive and more sophisticated services in the hospital.
  • Type of Treatment: Depending upon your condition, your team of doctors will plan the treatment for you. Certain treatment modalities will cost you more than any other treatment modality for Haemophilia. 
  • Type of Hospital: A corporate hospital will charge you more than the government hospital for the same services.
  • The city where the Hospital is located: Hospitals located in bigger cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Noida, Gurugram, etc. may charge comparatively more than the hospitals located in smaller cities. This is because hospitals in the metropolises can facilitate you better in every aspect.

Cost of Diagnostics for Haemophilia Treatment

An approximate cost of diagnostics for Haemophilia treatment:

Diagnostic Procedure Average Cost (₹)


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Frequently asked questions

How often do Hemophilia patients require treatment?
How is Hemophilia treated these days?
Does Hemophilia treatment work?
What is the future treatment for Hemophilia?
Does Hemophilia require lifelong management?
What is the best medicine for Hemophilia?
What are the benefits of treatment for Hemophilia?
Can Gene Therapy cure Hemophilia?
How is Hemophilia prevented?
What are the complications of Hemophilia treatment?