Dr.Abhishek Kr Gupta have 15+ year exeperience from Two Multispeciality hospitals. Dr. Abhishek Kumar Gupta (P.T) has done his BPT from Jyoti College of Physiotherapy Bareilly (U.P). Thereafter, he passed his MPT in Orthopedics from C.C.S University, Meerut (U.P.), and his last assignment was (I.L.B.S) Institute of Liver & Biliary Science. Delhi Thereafter he passed his MPT in Orthopedics from C.C.S University, Meerut (U.P.). He is Certified Level 3 ANF Therapist from Spain. After then he has done Cyriax Diploma in Modern Orthopeadics Medicine from Belgium (C.C.P). His last assignment was (I.L.B.S)
Institute of Liver & Biliary Science. Delhi. Earlier he was chief Physiotherapist in Rockland Hospital Delhi.